2nd DWC Grow White Rhino


Yea i know ,hopefully i wont have that on my next round ! Go n 2 get a air stone to marrow ,so i can root some clone s in the bubble cloner i will post pics of my process .thnks!


ok sorry guy s been busy the last couple weeks so im work n on getting another one roll n up it will be 2 gal res this time with 4 wr in it 5 in. net cups ,3ft. flexible air hose dual outlet active aqua. 400w hps one isolating fan, diy co2 ,not using anything 4 rooting just tap ph ed to 6.5 w/gh ph buffers up & down.Nutes are fox big ,tiger,big bloom& maybe a sup or 2? ph will allways be at 5.8 ppms will be low this time no more than 1100! As for the veg i plan 2 go two weeks or when i see a surge of growth which ever comes first. I will also be doing a scrog with this one. ok so yea let me know what you tink i love new ideas! & thanks 4 all of the education time to roll it up peace out!!!!!!!!


1st diy aero cloner roots at 10 days 3rd seedlings 3weeks 4thclones n cloner 5th new dwc dont worry im noot gona veg long so ill be good on root space 6th drain rest are the pc grow box .thnk 4 droppin n!



Active Member
Trim up the leaves on those clones, makes it easyer on them with less energy going into the leaf structure and more into rooting.... which is what you really want more at that point.