2nd grow journal, yay! except we're having problems with this grow...


Active Member
this is long overdue, but we've been researching and trying to get rid of our bug problem/trying to figure out if we have some deficiency and typing everything out in a new grow journal hasn't been top priority, but it's about time to get it started...i'll get some pics uploaded later.

so we've got some white widow/northern lights (i think 2 females, many of them turned out male) some bagseeds, which had a higher female percentage, about 6 bubba kush clones from the last grow (also another one that's been designated a mother, and one that hasn't quite taken off yet and may die..) - these are the oldest and largest plants of this grow. one of the ww/nl females has taken really well to beint bent and tied down, and i'm anxious to see how it turns out.

we've also got some smaller seedlings, they were started a few weeks after the aforementioned ones - they are the mask f2, kollosus, sour skunk, godbud x sweet tooth, green crack, and lemon larry og, - no sex yet on any of them, and they seem to be having the most problems right now.

we've had a gnat problem we've been combating, and we've got diatomaceous earth in our top layer of soild, as well as a little in the soil, and then a layer of sand on top of the soil (they're all about to be in 5 gallon buckets, some of them already are and those are now in 12/12 while the smaller ones are still in veg and in 2 1/2 qt buckets with which the flies are just having a great time). the 5 gallon buckets seem to have seen a reduction in the infestation, it's nice to see that they're not as bad in the flower room as in the veg room, and we're hoping to get them completely gone by the time they're all in flower. i just set some apple on the other side of the veg room with a fly trap above it, so that all the flies that are being freed from the buckets during the transplanting process go to that rather than back to the other plants - fingers crossed that it helps.

we're seeing a lot of damage - leaf yellowing/dying, other little spots and color issues with the leaves - on the seedlings, and we don't know if it's the bugs or if we've got some nutrient lock going on...we didn't water them for quite some time to try to dry out the soil in more efforts against the gnats, and we're just now watering them - with a mosquito dunk/superthrive/mollasses mix (light doses)...no actual ferts - so hopefully we see some improvement.

so, i'll go take some pics and get around to uploading them...



Well-Known Member
maybe low n i use peruvian seabird guano tea. and it piced up my low n plants and do better than the ones that get flora grow. they are healthier


Active Member
so here are the pics i promised...i actually did all of this yesterday and then lost it all to an accidental backspace and just got motivated to re-do it...anyway, pics of the veg room, our bug issue is pretty obvious by the fly strips, you can see some of the plant damage that we're still not sure is from the bugs some nutrient issue - the plants in flower are looking much better, so maybe things are getting worked out.

the veg room


sour skunk

the mask f2 (it's a weird looking/weird growing plant...)

the bubba kush clone we chose to be a mother

the sick bubba kush clone that we may lose...(any help/suggestions for how we might be able to save it would me much appreciated!!)

transplant before heading into the flower room

the flower room



the nl/ww that has taken well to bending..

another bent plant, it didn't really want to bend, and the resulting bend amuses me..

bubba kush clones, the 2 on the left are the best looking ones aside from the one we chose to mother

okay so, that should give a better idea of what we're workin with and dealing with :) as always, feel free to comment. :leaf::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
looks like low n and the bubba kush looks like it may have bugs but id think all of emn would look like that get some azamax for a drench into ur soil for the gnats also the wetter the dirt the more bugs lets em dry out a bit not to stress though hope this helps


Active Member
yeah...i think we're getting the bugs under control, we let them dry out for a long time before we finally watered them. the sick bubba kush was over-watered we think, it had this funk in it's bucket before we transplanted it....the bugs are worse in the veg room than in the flower room, all of the 5 gal buckets we've gotten to dig through from axing males didn't have anything moving in them, so we will have to treat probably a few more times for any eggs that may still be in there, but for now it looks like we're getting it under control. i read some info on azamax/azatrol, seems like it's good stuff, but a little pricey..i thought low n and high n looked similar as far as plant damage, but something's definitely questionable..perhaps the time release fertilizer in the mg soil, or some nutes that didn't get flushed out all the way from the last grow (we re-used soil from the last grow, mixed with new soil, mixed with some mushroom compost, some of them have a little bloodmeal in them...the soil is just now getting to be one same mixture...) so it really could be any number of things :S i think we'll water one more time with just straight water, and then start working on the nutes. i'll post some more pics when we see some change happening :):peace::leaf::joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah...i think we're getting the bugs under control, we let them dry out for a long time before we finally watered them. the sick bubba kush was over-watered we think, it had this funk in it's bucket before we transplanted it....the bugs are worse in the veg room than in the flower room, all of the 5 gal buckets we've gotten to dig through from axing males didn't have anything moving in them, so we will have to treat probably a few more times for any eggs that may still be in there, but for now it looks like we're getting it under control. i read some info on azamax/azatrol, seems like it's good stuff, but a little pricey..i thought low n and high n looked similar as far as plant damage, but something's definitely questionable..perhaps the time release fertilizer in the mg soil, or some nutes that didn't get flushed out all the way from the last grow (we re-used soil from the last grow, mixed with new soil, mixed with some mushroom compost, some of them have a little bloodmeal in them...the soil is just now getting to be one same mixture...) so it really could be any number of things :S i think we'll water one more time with just straight water, and then start working on the nutes. i'll post some more pics when we see some change happening :):peace::leaf::joint:
good luck with it angelfish


Active Member
we've about reached max capacity with how many plants we can have under our two 1000w hps....we've got 21 females in flower, and 3 feminized seedlings we're waiting on....but we still have more plants in veg, so it looks like we need to get another light in there soon.

we put 5 new fems into the flower room so far today, and we have 2 more that are showing sex in veg...the 2 we thought were sour skunk are actually seeds that accidentally got mixed in ans are an early flowering something...theyre only a few inches tall and already showing theyre female...so, we may put one into flower and leave one in veg. it's weird to see little female hairs on such small plants.

also, on another note - we were having problems popping the seeds from our bubba kush breeding from the last grow, but the seeds just have reeeeallllly hard shells, so they need some help craking - just a little pressure with the thumb nail to crack the seed, and within the day there were little tails pokin out. I'd say we have about 9 sprouted seeds, though most of them haven't shed their shells yet.


Well-Known Member
we've about reached max capacity with how many plants we can have under our two 1000w hps....we've got 21 females in flower, and 3 feminized seedlings we're waiting on....but we still have more plants in veg, so it looks like we need to get another light in there soon.

we put 5 new fems into the flower room so far today, and we have 2 more that are showing sex in veg...the 2 we thought were sour skunk are actually seeds that accidentally got mixed in ans are an early flowering something...theyre only a few inches tall and already showing theyre female...so, we may put one into flower and leave one in veg. it's weird to see little female hairs on such small plants.

also, on another note - we were having problems popping the seeds from our bubba kush breeding from the last grow, but the seeds just have reeeeallllly hard shells, so they need some help craking - just a little pressure with the thumb nail to crack the seed, and within the day there were little tails pokin out. I'd say we have about 9 sprouted seeds, though most of them haven't shed their shells yet.

some people use sandpaper to thin out the seeds that way you dont damage them by squeezing.


Active Member
yeah, i read something like that somewhere about scuffing em up before germing them...looks like our method worked okay with these seeds though, probably because of how hard they were, a normal seed probably would've squished...


Well-Known Member
yeah, i read something like that somewhere about scuffing em up before germing them...looks like our method worked okay with these seeds though, probably because of how hard they were, a normal seed probably would've squished...

just use a fine sand paper but dont run it through so to speak lol


Active Member
finally got an awesome pic of one of our nugs, courtesy of the almighty iphone4...man i hate my phone right now...pretty sure this is the bubba kush.

