2nd grow

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Its best if you use it in week 4-5. The later you use it, the longer it can take for the new flowers to mature. You want to hit it right after the bud burst (week 4-5 of flower).


Well-Known Member
hey purp wat kind of cfls did u use for veg and flowering
I vegged with 2 blue 65 watt 3400 lumens per bulb i picked those up from stealth hydro i like them they are big and dont cause a lot of heat and use low watts then i have four smaller blue cfls that i picked up at lowes i dont remember the watts and all that. and for flowering i use 1 blue 65 watt and 1 red 65 watt cfl that i picked up from stealth hydro then i have 2 more red and 2 more blue cfls that i picked up at lowes. soon i will get rid of those smaller cfls i picked up at lowes and get some better ones

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
What are you foliar feeding them with?
They look nice and green, but I would cut the nitrogen to shorten its internodal length.
They are looking nice and healthy though. Nice work!!


Well-Known Member
What are you foliar feeding them with?
They look nice and green, but I would cut the nitrogen to shorten its internodal length.
They are looking nice and healthy though. Nice work!!
I tryed useing that ultra snow storm

how do i cut the nitrogen ?

thanks for helping out rusty

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Dude.....that looks insane. Nice work!! Are you using anything specific for the roots or just base nutes and love?


Well-Known Member
Just nutes and love bro i have a question my fan leaves are starting to curl at the tips is that ok

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
If you are going to use a flushing agent I would recommend 3 days pure water and 3 days water/flush agent. Some people don't even flush before harvest but I've found that it leaves a chemical taste and it makes my lungs hurt.
If your not going to use anything but pure water I would hit them with straight water for a week flush and then water for at least another 3-4 days.

Its also good to lower the water level in the last two weeks to allow more O² to the roots.

I noticed a lot of water marks on the leaves too. I would try to keep those buds as dry as possible at this stage to prevent mold. Foliar feeding is great through veg and early flowering but causes problems in late flowering. Chemical residue and mold will turn dank shit into plain old shit.

I'm not a master grower by any standards but I've done a lot of experimenting in the last 12 grows and have had more failures than successes. We all learn best through trial and error so if you think something else sounds better then I'm happy to try it myself.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good rusty ill give them just water for a week and then flush and water for another 3 days and ill drop the water level to and ill stop foilar feeding. so how many weeks do you think i should wait to hit it with straight water ?

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Flush for at least one full week if you're just using straight water. You could go two weeks but I think that would be a bit excessive. Ten days maybe? Its up to you dude.