2nd grow


Active Member
God I'm so sick of timers!!
Iv just been 2 my cab 2 find the main 125w bulb is still on, that's timer number 8 that's fucked!
I don't understand they say 120w on the timers and I didn't have any probs last year.
Iv opened 1 up 2 find part of the switch broken should I try a digital 1 ?


Active Member

I'm in week 10 and I flushed the other day and now 1 of my babies has flopped and gone crispy at the top my other looks like its goin the same way. wot should I do ?



Active Member
well iv got 20 mins till lights on I hope she's lookin better should I b thinkin about an emergency chop ?


Active Member
well thank u for all the comments and support :-)
iv checked and the 1 still on the go is pulling through and the 1 Hung upside down seems 2 have gone soft again and only the very top of the mail cola is a tad crisp :-)