2nd harvest, unintentionally pollinated again. Help please.


Active Member
This is my second grow, and am about to harvest 2 shorelines and 2 lemon skunks. I just pulled a bud off from a shoreline's lower branch under the scrog screen and found several large developed ceeds in it. The lemon skunks were clones taken from the first grow, the shorelines were grown from ceed. I am trying to figure out where I went wrong AGAIN, and why one of the plants hermied.

Light leak? There is a small hole I can see through in the split AC unit I mounted to the wall. If the light in the laundry room is left on during their dark time, a sliver of light can leak in through the AC unit. This happened one night during this grow, my wife left the light on in the laundry room one time.

Did I leave too many flower sites underneath the scrog screen and those flowers became stressed then hermied? They are packed in there really tight, I don't have access to the plant in the corner until I chop down the others blocking the way. Was this my mistake?

The lemon skunks I cloned were actually hermies all along and I didn't know it? If this is possible, I think it might be safest to kill the lemon skunk that is currently waiting in line to get into the flower room (as soon as I chop).

Did I miss a few spots when I was cleaning the room between grows? Sprayed everything with H202 and water and wiped it all down, is it possible pollen was still lingering in the room from the last grow?

I planned to harvest these in 3 days when I have the time. I assume things can't get any worse than they are now, no more harm can be done by waiting for 3 days to chop? Or should I chop all of these down ASAP to prevent the plants that are in veg from getting pollinated as well? They are 65 days into flower now.

This is my last call for help here, getting little response from the journal and about to throw in the towel asking around here. I'm not trying to bump this journal to get "likes" or anything, just hoping one of the experts can point out where I might have gone wrong and how I can prevent this next grow.

Pics of the room and grow are here: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/668593-2-devils-harvest-shoreline-2-a.html

Thanks in advance to anyone attempting to help me.


Active Member
I run a decent sized dehumidifier and have an AC unit mounted to the wall, rH is at 50% max, temps stay in the low 70's. Good air circulation with 8" canfan scrubbing the room, cheapo box fan on top of canopy and another fan blowing underneath canopy. 1000w hps has airtight hood and has 8" inline fan sucking fresh air through and pushed out other side. I thought I had the climate dialed in.

Too many things could have caused the hermie to really know for sure I guess?


do yo use a timer the whole grow block all light light leaks plz and yes one light cycle interruption I've turn off the lights in flower cycle for 15 mins and got ceeds...:lol: