2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread


Well-Known Member
^^^And that's why I got the great lookin ass I have today ladies!

God, it's great to be fabulous! LOL


Well-Known Member
^^^Damn that Veganic mentality. MEAT is for composting. Don't you have little old Italian ladies dragging roadkill, (and sometimes their husband's handywork :o), into their tomato gardens? Let me express it for you mathematically using DaVinci's mama's own formula; Meat + Dirt ÷ Light x Tomatoes= Marinara. True alchemy if you ask me :).


Well-Known Member
^^as an Italian I'm offended by this statement:fire:.....cheater/lol
Well it didn't take the Wonder Bread Whops too long to show up now did it? My half Italiano side would say something about that being offensive but the 1/4 French + 1/4 Welsh side is telling my dago ass to shut the fuck up!

And PSU don't you ever say the "c" word when it comes to this competition! LOL


Well-Known Member
To be fair i'm only half Italian as well.......but I don't wrap every fucking thing in aluminum foil/you may need an intervention Fran. oh btw if you ask for marinara in Italy you get a seafood sauce/mare = sea....so proper tomato sauce is considered salsa di pomodoro.......oh shit i'm high jacking the thread again

good luck Fran, your gonna need it against chem-ferts:-)


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm Filetto di Pomodoro. Dude you just made me sooooo hungry.

And my plant's on so much steroids/auxins/hormones right now it doesn't even know it's a female yet. Maybe I should call her Lance?


Well-Known Member
All this shit talk I miss when I can't get to my computer for a couple days. Is this competition full of whops? Oh shit, I just made fun of myself, considering I'm Italian also. Bunch of racist pricks here, I quit!:lol:

Nice to see everyone's results, makes me a little more confident that I am going to win...

Sgt, nice figurines you got over there, I don't think they are going to hold up to the queens critical attack on those ladies you got. But for real, you lady looks nice!


Well-Known Member
Why do Chinese people, Italian people, and Black people all hate water sprinklers????

Because it goes....... chinc - whop - whop - chinc - whop - whop - nigga nigga nigga.

I hope that is not out of line racially!
Sorry for the delay in update. The site was down on saturday and I just now got home to upload pics. We are at week 6 now and there are NO signs of flowering yet. I am a little worried but we will have to see what happens. I moved into a real tent as you can see where she will spend the rest of her days. I put lenses on the light and it's pretty bright now. I am still planning loosely to use this light till the end of the grow but if I see the buds aren't developing like normal, I am gonna blast it with the apollo 6 and be done with it. I moved my backup plant into a bigger container so it's sink or swim now for the kompetition kup plant. I fight the ph and trim the roots every day and I am getting this feeling that it's going to get a lot worse in the future. We will see how everything turns out. Right now she's only slightly behind where it would be in a fiver in DWC so I am very happy with the growth in this preposterous setup I am using. I would never have considered growing in dirt or hydro in a freakin keg kup on my own since it's fairly retarded. Thank you RIU. Thank you 2013-01-21_17-58-38_820.jpg2013-01-21_17-58-58_947.jpg

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
What The Fuck!!!!!I Thought This Was A RIU 12 x12 From Seed Led Only Compitition??Not A Fucking East Coast Italian Grow Off.Fucking Wanna Bes :roll:

Confucius Say When The Sicilian Shows Up Italian Goes Boom :fire:Have You Ever Seen An Italian Grow Tomatoes??Looks Like A Monkey Fucking A FootBall.Thats Why They Wonder The Country Side Babbling Brew HaHa!!Balderdash!!!And Bally Rou!!!!~

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
A Little Bit Of Love Thats All I Need A Little Inspriation And A Bag Of Weed A Seed To Plant So My Tree Can Grow :weed:Meet RoseMary Shes 12 Days From Seed So Its Time For Her Nutes Ppm 360 pH 6.41.Dont Want To Hear Me Cuss Dont Want To Hear Me Bragg Im Just Grabbing My Thingy And Lettin My Pants Sag Now Im Smittin With What I Have Writtin Just Rittin What Im Doing They Say They Like My Weed But Their Still Boo Hooing My Joints Are Always Tight My Rhymes Will Floor Ya Hey Fly You Want A Hit One Money Candy O Candy Candy O I Got One For Ya Baby Bet Da Azz :hump:

RoseMary 12 days from seed 001 (800x533).jpgRoseMary 12 days from seed 002 (533x800).jpgRoseMary 12 days from seed 003 (800x533).jpgRoseMary 12 days from seed 004 (800x533).jpgRoseMary 12 days from seed 005 (800x533).jpg


Well-Known Member
Just a Dawg wit no bones,
and a cup full o' stones.
His rhymes is bad.
His plant is sad.
And he just got owned,
By A Man Named FranJan!