2nd outdoor grow new probelms

i started with 10 plants they are all seedlings and are growing very nicely... untill i took a 2 day trip. i came back and went to my patch to water em and to my horror my best grower was flat on its side but still green i automaticly jumped for a stick to prop it up and immediatley after water it. the cultprate, rabbits, the little bastards ate my runt witch was just starting to grow and bend 1 that was already being supported and completely flattend my best grower. i have put a ring of dog hair around the peremeter of the patch and pissed around the peremeter of the plants individualy. i also hung a bar of strong smelling soap in the area of the plants.

:?: any other measures i should take to prevent rabbits and other pests from eating my babbies :?:


Well-Known Member
ive had rabbit issues before to... rabbits hate vinigar, garlic, blood/bloodmeal, predatory animal hair/urine, black pepper, cayanne pepper, ect..... but the best thing you could do is use some chickenwire, or plant in a big container so they cant reach it... after the marijuana plant has grown some the rabbits seem to much on it less.... so i would take clones from a mature mother plant in that case.. plus clones grow way faster too


Well-Known Member
stop pissing and start building. You need a fence, 3 or 4 foot chicken wire. Dig post holes and cut some poles about 6" diameter, wrap continuous wire around the top of poles and attach chicken wire to it this wire with small pieces of wire. Then peg it down every 6 feet along the bottom with tent pegs and a mallet. Do this and your bunny troubles (and most other animals) will be over, you can use it for years to come. Its a lot more professional this way instead of ring of mothballs and pubes and your smelly urine.