2nd round Brainstorm 4.5x9x7 tent/1000w


Active Member
And we're off!!!looking good man,real clean-like.I'm here for the long haul!

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And we're off!!!looking good man,real clean-like.I'm here for the long haul!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Rollitup mobile app
Good to have ya on board snappy!

I'm a bit of a stickler keeping my system and area as clean as it can be, i grew to dislike soil and soiless mediums(pro mix,coco etc) because of the mess it would create.

I'm hoping i can stick with these neoprene collars to grow in, no hydroton to mess with, makes transition from the cloner to system a breeze. I Just hope they combined with the trellis will give enough support, my plants will never be larger than 3 ft if i can help it so i should be ok.


I decided to switch to flower cycle today, average plant height is 9 inches,with the exception of the two that almost died, their about 5 inches tall. Planning on a 9 week flower. Obviously crop date will depend on the plants,not my timetable.

Drained and refilled the res, ppm is at approx 450, i plan on increasing the nute strength by 15-20% each week till i get between 900-1000 ppm. I will maintain that PPM level till the last week or 10 days. Ph is stable at 5.7

Mixed in 40 ml each of Micro/Grow/Bloom in 18 gallons of water.
40ml of bud candy
40ml of Voodoo Juice

I'm using tap water which has a existing ppm of 130.

Whole system shots

Left side

Right side

Two runts, and back two plants.

I will be updating every Friday from here on in. All questions/comments welcome! :)


ps-Oh heres pics of my GG plant, gonna be a great mom by the looks of it.


Things are coming along just nicely :)
Thanks, ran into what i think is a Zinc deficiency, probably from the low nute amounts i started with, drained my res yesterday and refilled it with 50% nute strength, seems to have helped bring some colour back, but have some white tips and a bit of spotting on the leaf ends. Going to flush the roots and ramp up the nutes to 75% or higher on Friday, hopefully that will fix any deficiency's.



Had what appears to be a zinc deficiency the last week, plants are still growing well, some white tips and slight spotting on leaf tips. I flushed on Monday and refilled with 50% nutes, seemed to help, so today i drained again and bumped the nutes to 85-90%, ppm is at 980, ph stable at 5.6, Hopefully the increased nute strength will get rid of the zinc prob i had, while avoiding any burn. Time will tell.

GrapeGod mom is coming along nicely, removed a few shade leaves and fimmed her the other day. She smells more in veg than all my current plants in flower. lol


New Member
Damn man, I'm loving your clean setup. Would love to pow-wow with you about gear.

Very nice clean grow, definitely what I'd like to see on my 2nd grow for sure


Damn man, I'm loving your clean setup. Would love to pow-wow with you about gear.

Very nice clean grow, definitely what I'd like to see on my 2nd grow for sure
thanks Larquin, this is my first time using this aerojet, so far i'm loving it, so easy to maintain and the fact i don't need any medium at all, other than neoprene collars to hold the plants in place, is a huge plus in my book. less to deal with is better imo. I got the hood recently too, and its heads and tails above my last hood which was a coolstar plus tube style reflector. If you want to know any specifics feel free to ask.



Day 14 of flower.
Things are looking excellent!, plants responded very well to the higher ppm, this week i bumped it up a bit more. PPM is 1050, PH 5.6. I still have some white tips, growth seems fine though, i'm pretty sure the white tips is caused by the fact i'm using tap water, i remember having the same issue when i grew in this space before using my previous system with tap water. I ordered a small RO unit yesterday so i'm hoping it will arrive b4 next res change. Plants only stretched about 5.5 inches this week, a good sign, they shouldn't stretch more than another 5 i'm hoping, i already have my hood at the very top of the tent, i could get a few more inches if i changed the metal V hangers with shorter ones but i don't have any on hand, I will look into it if i need too. Not sure if you can notice from the pics, but the top fan leaves are a lighter green the the lower ones, at first i thought this was a nute issue, but its not, after watching the night time temps its obvious its caused by the big change in temp between light and dark, as well as my res temp going up and then bringing it down regularly. Still from what i have read this won't cause any real issues. I did notice the last few days b4 the water change my PPM jumped up to 1200 due to plants eating more water than nutes. Still i chose to try to keep the PPM in the same area this week as last week and ended up a tad higher due to the adding of the B52 for the first time this week. Anyways heres some pics,first real signs of flower production! hope you like!


GrapeGod mom pics...


Day 21 of Flower.

Well my RO unit and 6' filter didn't arrive yesterday, apparently UPS is having issues with a little bit of snow, hoping they will come on monday. I switched base nutes this week as my hydro store was out of what i normally buy, the ones i'm using for the remainder of this run are no name 3 part, pretty much like technaflora as far as i can tell, only use 2 parts for either veg or flower. NPK of the 2 parts for flower is 2-4-4, i still have all my AN additives which i'm using with these new nutes. I still have some white/burnt leaf tips, so reduced the ppm down to 900, PH is at 5.6.

GG mom..

System shots..


Till next week!


Mini Update!
My 6's carbon filter came yesterday, they got UPS people working overtime and delivering on Saturdays to make up for the service delay because of the weather recently...still waiting on my RO unit, should come tomorrow, after which i will be doing another flush and refilling the res with RO'd mix... heres pics of the filter..


Day 28 of 12/12

Things are coming along well, Still have some yellowing of top fan leaves, i think its being caused by the closeness of the light, its only about 10-12 inches from the tallest plant, so i dialed back the light to the 600w setting for this week to see if it helps. The grapegod mom is turning into a lil monster, i'm going to have to take some cuttings soon just to keep her from out growing the 2x2x5 tent shes in. Anyways heres some pics, Enjoy!


day 35 of 12/12

Happy new year everyone!
Things are going great, after having my ballast on 600w for a week the yellowing of the top leaves seems to have reversed a fair amount. I will be buying a spreader/heat shield for my light for the next run to help prevent this from happening again when i'm back at a 1000w. Flowering is coming along very nicely. I picked up some Canna Aqua Flores to finish this grow with, and will be picking up their full line for my next grow. Nute amounts as follows.
165 ml of Canna Aqua Flores A+B
12 ml of Dutchmaster Zone
80 ml Bud candy.
Mixed into 48L of water.
I'm also going to use Overdrive with the canna nutes but only for 2 feedings next week and then the following week.

