2nd week of Flowering HELP!!


Active Member
Hey guys, Im in the second week of flowering and all my plants are doing pretty well, except for this one. The plant from afar looks beautiful, but there are 3 - 4 huge fan leaves towards the bottom that look browned up, take a look at the pictures. Sorry there are about 7, but they are all the same plant.



Active Member
they have been getting watered normally. every other water has big bloom.
temps have been between 75 - 86.
moisture is about 50%.


Well-Known Member
check ph could be just normal dye off from being in flower the plants suck energy from places that it doesn't need any more


Active Member
flush your plants for a few days because you could have a multitude of problems. check your ph.since you are using soil keep ph at 6.5-7.0.this will prevent nute lock out.what kind of water are you using?and what kind of nutes do you use?make sure that the big bloom is not part of a 2 or 3 part formula.you need all of the micro &macro nutrients available.some bloom products only have n-p-k.those types are to be used in conjunction with the grow formula.from the pics it looks like it could be nitrogen defecient,mg def,ph,lock out,burn etc,thats why i'm saying flush your plants make sure all of your growing parameters are set,and then start to feed at 1/2 strength,and gradually increase.