2x600 hps ebb & flow. Chronic, Grapegod, and Bluecheese. Single cola SOG.


Well-Known Member
just read thru you entire thread just wanna said much respect im looking to leaving hempy clan for ebb and flow looks like thoes chronics should bring in around a 1/2 oz or better with 36 to a table you


Well-Known Member
Yeah man. They just need to fill out. They are super airy. Hoping in the next two weeks it gets a lot fuller. I hate that seed breeders bend the truth on flowering times. Yeah, I probably could cut these at 8 weeks, but my yield would probably suffer by 1/3.


Well-Known Member
Pic of some blue cheese.... If I can find some dank like this that yields a bit more I will be happy. Hopefully grapegod yields good. IMG_0624.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think I'm done with the SOG. My mom stopped by my house today, and said she could smell a musky smell to the sidewalk. I just have to contain the grow area. I can't do it with all these little grow areas around. I'm going to an 8x8 tent after this. I like that the tents are a contained area.... SOG is the best, but not the best for everyone. She doesn't know what I do, and just notices things like that... My parents were on a walk one day and walked past my house, and said it smelled mousy from the sidewalk. Whatever that means, but I can figure that out...


Well-Known Member
I think I'm done with the SOG. My mom stopped by my house today, and said she could smell a musky smell to the sidewalk. I just have to contain the grow area. I can't do it with all these little grow areas around. I'm going to an 8x8 tent after this. I like that the tents are a contained area.... SOG is the best, but not the best for everyone. She doesn't know what I do, and just notices things like that... My parents were on a walk one day and walked past my house, and said it smelled mousy from the sidewalk. Whatever that means, but I can figure that out...

what sort of air control deterrents are you using?


I think I'm done with the SOG. My mom stopped by my house today, and said she could smell a musky smell to the sidewalk. I just have to contain the grow area. I can't do it with all these little grow areas around. I'm going to an 8x8 tent after this. I like that the tents are a contained area.... SOG is the best, but not the best for everyone. She doesn't know what I do, and just notices things like that... My parents were on a walk one day and walked past my house, and said it smelled mousy from the sidewalk. Whatever that means, but I can figure that out...
scrog is the way to go I have nine plants and I bet I get close to 2 lbs. with the chronic


Well-Known Member
scrog is the way to go I have nine plants and I bet I get close to 2 lbs. with the chronic
Large tents are kinda a waste IMO. For how much they cost, go buy urself some 2x4's and frame out your own. Insultate it with some of that tyvek foam board and then plywood. Tents are annoying bc they collapse under the negative pressure. So your required to have a inlet fan that matches your exhaust cfm. Plus they typically only hold 100lbs reguardless of size, so building your own would be cheaper, better and stronger. Ofcourse if it's a rental and your moving in 6 months well go with the tent. But I would also recommend you check out scrog technique, I personally love it. And it keep me in my plant counts while still giving me the yield.


Well-Known Member
what sort of air control deterrents are you using?
Carbon filters, and an ozone gen. I don't know if shes just smelling shit in her head, or really smelling it. Uggg. I should have my buddy stop by and see. She was always saying she smelled stuff when we were kids nobody else could smell though...


Carbon filters, and an ozone gen. I don't know if shes just smelling shit in her head, or really smelling it. Uggg. I should have my buddy stop by and see. She was always saying she smelled stuff when we were kids nobody else could smell though...
I would do what you said have someone do a patrol of the property and see whats really going on. I cant stand smelly plants!!! Thats the number 1 way to get caught. There was a incident awhile back that made me relize just how important this is. I was growing in a house that was on a normal street my neighbors were not that close. I was growing nirvans's indoor mix so I dont know what strain it was that smelled so bad but I ended up with only 2 females at this time. Well that was all that was in the home 2 plants and they were pungent. I could smell them from the driveway. Anyway I got paranoid and cut them down way way early. About two days after I chopped them a sheriff came knocking on the door. There wasnt any problem. But we had just gotten of the lake and were heading back that afternoon so I just pulled the truck and trailer in the front yard instead of putting it back under the shed. Well i guess I left the trailer out i the road just alittle. The sherrif ws stopping by to kindly ask me to pull it all the way up in the yard and to have a nice day. thats all he wanted but it those plants were still going i would not be posting this today. Well mabey if they have wifi in prision. But its the 1 in a million chances that get you caught.
That's a excellent factor. I'll probably bloom at 8" this serious pheno has very little aspect branching. The fan simply leaves can keep out a techniques, but not really any bud bushing out.


Well-Known Member
That's a excellent factor. I'll probably bloom at 8" this serious pheno has very little aspect branching. The fan simply leaves can keep out a techniques, but not really any bud bushing out.
I've read this post 5 times and still don't get it lol the last sentence is perplexing...