3 bag seeds.


Well-Known Member
my friend might be giving me a cabinet. not sure tho. i need one badly
yep, you sure do, What you have there is not gonna cut it, you'll end up with a few small and stretched fluffy buds, the plants need the light closer than that and better positioned. Do you have a fan blowing on them? tie the plant down but just enough to get it so the plants top is facing the lights better too. when you say growing with the sun you mean like a windowsill or actually outside?


yea ive got a small fan on low power , it was on earlier for about 8 hrs. i want the lights to be above them so theyll actually grow upwards. they were just on the windowsil. didnt do much for them at all. just got them started.


Well-Known Member
they will be closer to right above them actually, thats why i told you to do it. those plants are gonna keep stretching straight towards the light, if those ones with the directions and way they are facing were to stretch they are gonna do it anyway just give you more useless stem , height isnt everything, in fact the shorter the better especially with cfls, the cfls light loses most of its effectiveness after 3-4 inches away . I'm telling you to have the plant facing the direction of its light, for example you could spin around pic #3 to have it growing/facing towards the light and so the leaves are better exposed to the energy they need for doing photosynthesis since they are facing the light and will therefore do alot better than if you just let them stretch towards the lights on their own and dont help it to get it directly under the light, its stretching towards the light but it doesnt seem to be getting very good direct lighting, but you can tie the top down to get more of the plant in direct lighting. more energy=more growth=more bud. seriously, get those things tied down so they are better directly under the lighting.


Well-Known Member
you havent been letting them sit in their run off water are you? how far are you planning on keeping the plants from the light? cuz they should be about an inch or two away from them. your on the right track pretty well. one thing thats gonna really cause you headaches is that soil, it looks really really really bad.


nah that's just so I don't get dirt on my stuff. I throw out the water. It's horse shit and dirt. My dad uses it in his garden.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. I would say look for a cabinet and then set it up. You probaby sould have thought of how you were going to grow before germination... but since its to late now. i would hurry and get a cabnet, or... I hate to say it... A rubbermaid tub even...


did u see the last picture i posted? thats the new setup . well now its the old one. i made minor changes. but im sure theyll help a lot.


Well-Known Member
You would be better off turning the stereo sidways so all three plants recieve a more equal amount of light or adding another two 23 watt cfls with a y split over the far plant.


Active Member
dude space out your lights add about 3 more 23's ive tryed indoor but outdoors the way to go if you dont have money and i dont have that just the land if i can keep my rooster from eating


i would grow outdoors if i had somewhere to grow. theres plenty of places to grow but id get caught. still might get caught indoors.