3 day old sprouts

I am hoping someone can help me I germed 4 seeds and put them in rockwool on Sat and had them popping out within 48 hrs The problem is how much light do they need right now.....I had them under 15w day cfl's 3 of them but got some 26 watt at walmart and thought more would be better....just since this morn they started looking a liitle droopy si I checked and they were dry so I watered them a small amt.....this being only the 2nd time I've had to water them.....should I go back to the 15w cfl's will that be enough light for them? Also I read to mist them once I removed the dome which I did lightly 2 times not in the same day...they are med mj and hybrids


Well-Known Member
i use a single 26w cfl, about one foot above, for seedlings. it works perfect for the first 10-17 days until they have real leaves that can deal with the intense light and heat.


Well-Known Member
Misting newbies is OK , BUT, support them first. I've seen seedlings fall over from the weight of the water
on the leaves. So I stake them up with a popsicle stick and a pipecleaner so they can't fall over. Using just
cfl's at this point will give you scrawny toothpicks that should get a stake, eh?

Good luck, BigSteve.
i use a single 26w cfl, about one foot above, for seedlings. it works perfect for the first 10-17 days until they have real leaves that can deal with the intense light and heat.
Well I like that idea....simple and efficient from the sounds of it I put the 15w bulbs back just after my post and they are looking so much better For now I don't want to do anything to stress them so I will keep my eye on them till bedtime and at that time I may go with your suggestion Are you sure 1 foot isn't too far away though? I have them about 3-4 inches right now and them seem toasty and warm.....and a small oscl fan in the corner for circulation, of course I am battling the A/C right now we in a heat wave here in Toronto.....ty so much for your help and getting back!! Cheers my friend!
Good advice....I wish they were high enogh to support....lol They're barely upright well 1 is and the jagged leaves are coming now It's doing the best but as I said the lower wattage seems to be helping....I just hope the gov't gives me seeds to replace the dozen I lost 2 or sop wks ago....charged my c/c sent my dried but no seeds....waiting on a callback....5 bus days!! lmao the gov't for ya!! Cheers