3 grows, 1 tent. Open to suggestions.

The new ladies are not too much different then when I first got them but are looking a littler bigger already.


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Okay, the ceramic watering spikes didn't work out so well. They ended up flooding the tent. I believe this happened because I put all the medium and gnat nix in the pots and then added the watering spikes later. So in theory the gnat nix worked as it should and dried out fast, then the watering spikes worked as they should and tried to compensate for the fast drying gnat nix, basically getting stuck on and continuously watering. Pretty sure that's what happened, either that or these watering spikes are not working properly and discharge too much water for some other reason. This dirtied up the tent a bit, but the plants are looking good. While I was in there removing the ceramic watering spikes and jugs I decided I might as well cut away the lower growing branches that always tend to get in the way when hand watering.


Doing well. They all got topped last night. So the lower branches have been cut away and now wont be there to get in the way when watering with a watering can, and the plants have been topped 4 nodes from the bottom so that the plant will grow with just 4 main branches. It won't be too much longer and they will be ready for bloom. I picked up a new bulb today in preparation for bloom. Genesis 600 watt HPS, I also got a refill of compost brew while I was there but it smells of rotten eggs and sulfur so it went down the drain.


I am still open to suggestions, but I won't be posting anymore till my plant's are in bloom,
and I'm going to be posting this grow in my grow log only, once I do flip everything to bloom.
Here is a link.


^ I retract that statement. I actually like posting here a lot more. It appears my grow log should be left for mostly pic's once my grow is done?
I'll just continue posting here for now.

That plant in the bato bucket is really starting to stretch. This is my first time actually going through with a grow of this style and I'm still not certain if I am feeding it correctly. I was about to go a full two weeks veg for all of them but really I just wanted them to all have the lower branches clipped away and be topped, then after that be in the range of 6-8" before going to bloom. Most of them are either 6-8 inches now or real close to it. Probably more if you consider that the gnat nix isn't grow medium, and the actual base of the stalk is a bit taller that just measuring from that layer of gnat nix. I would have liked to have waited a little longer so they green up a bit more but it looks like the time has come to flip to 12/12 because I don't want that one plant stretching to a height way beyond the others any longer in veg and causing my canopy to be at much different heights. I'm only 4 days shy of letting them go that full two week veg anyway, and that is pretty close to what I had planned. Pretty decent amount of growth in the passed two days. They have really started to take off now, and I'm sure they will green up soon. So without further ado this is the last pic/video from veg for this grow.


Honestly I think I need to get a better camera. Mine can't pick up just how frosty my plants get. Or fine details like magenta colored hair I've seen on some plants.
Here is some Granddaddy Mango I grew a short while back. I hated how it grew the entire time. It just grew really tall. I had to super crop it, top it, tie it up with some wire to keep it from flopping over.
I bet it would have done much better OD. The end result, that Granddaddy Mango ended up to be some of my best bud from that grow. When I went back to the club I got the clones from and a bud tender asked me how the plants were doing and I said that I didn't like how tall/stretch the Mango was getting, and he said "Oh, we got rid of that one." Which sucks because once I saw the end result I was pretty happy with it and would have gladly grown it again If I could get the same cut. I think I could do even better if I did another run with the different supplements I have now. It actually did smell of Mango's, even in veg when I clipped some leaves and rubbed them. GDP x Mango Haze. Also this plant was very easy to trim, another bonus reason I wish I could get the same cut again. These pic's were not at harvest either. This was probably somewhere towards the last 1/3'rd of bloom fairly close to right after a flush and I just took picks because I thought the plant looked cool with those hue's. The bud's looked almost a shade of blue or light purp in contrast to the yellowing of the leaves mid to late in bloom. The bud's were real frosty and glistening too but my camera can't pick it up. The buds stayed pretty chunky after curing too. They didn't dry and lose much of their size like I've seen so many others do. It was a little weird how even the leafy mater on the bud's was hard to the touch, not quite crispy but hard.



Here is more pic's of that grow and a video. Can better see the super crop I did.
I still think all that nice yellowing looks really cool, obviously that one was using up all those stored nutes late in bloom.



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What a difference one week can make. I'm not too happy with the white buffalo, it seems to want to stretch a lot. Which is basically what the guy at the club said when I bought my clones. He said the white buffalo grows stringy. The white buffalo in the bato bucket seems to have the most stretch. I'm still not convinced I've been feeding that one correctly, as it is my first bato/dutch bucket/hempy bucket style grow. I'm about to start watering more often soon now that they are bigger and in bloom they should start to drink more.


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Tonight I took out both of the 6" clip on king fans and put in a 31" tower fan. The tower fan seems to be working well. I'm not sure if I will need to set the fan on top of something or get a taller fan later, but it is doing fine for now. The plants also got a dose of Microbe Life plus-C tonight with their regular feeding of Dark Energy and Hi-Brix Molasses. In addition to that the two white buffalo in the front are also being fed House and Gardens brand Cocos A and B, the other plants receive everything but the cocos A and B. I don't think I will be purchasing or using any more of the Microbe Life plus-C, because I nearly used the entire bottle just this one feeding. I have ordered Cannazym, which should arrive Thursday. I also ordered one of the ExHale Co2 bags which should also arrive soon. I'm debating if I want to use any CalMag or some of the Silica I have left over from the OD season. I still want to feed at least once or twice with some compost brew, but didn't have much luck with that the last time I picked some up from Monster Gardens. It was extra smelly with a scent of sulfur or rotten eggs and had chunky black stuff in the bottom of the jug. I was skeptical if this was okay so I went online and read if compost brew smells of eggs of sulfur than it can actually harm the plants because all the, I think it was aerobic bennies have died and the anaerobic dead stuff has taken over. I ended up pouring that gallon down the drain and if I get around to it I will pick some up locally.
Well I hope this was worth it. I ordered a Blockbuster 6" hood to replace my Raptor 6". I ordered my new hood on Tuesday afternoon about 3:00 and it was here just after 12 noon on Wednesday, so it came before a full 24 hours after I ordered it. Pretty good for 1 - 7 day shipping. The only thing is it came before I even got a tracking number and wasn't expecting it so soon, at noon when it came I was still in bed and the hood had to be signed for, doh. Fedex left a door tag so I signed that which would allow them to leave it when they came back. They came today, again shortly after noon. Obviously the delivery guy just saw the door tag had been signed and thought no one was home because he ripped the tag off the door with a pissy looking attitude, marched back to the truck straight across my lawn, got the package my hood was in, marched over my lawn again and flipping tossed my package on the porch on its side. I could hear it slam and rattle as it landed. The black plastic wrap on the outside of the box was mostly torn off too. He seemed oblivious to the fragile sticker with the arrow pointing up. I see this as a bad work ethic because the moral thing to do would be to respect customers packages even when they think no one is looking. Delivery people doing things like that is one reason I'm a bit hesitant to buy things such as bulbs online. Bulbs are just one thing I feel a bit safer about buying in a store. I can't really say too much about the hood so far. I do like the smaller size already though. It makes it much easier to see the plants without such a huge hood in the way. The glass/hinge also opens up a lot easier than the Raptor hood did. I didn't feel like I was going to break the glass to open it. With the Raptor hood I always felt like I was going to break the glass as I was banging on or prying at the hood to get it open. I will post more about the hood in a few days or so once I can see if it is performing any better. I also got a ExHale Co2 bag today as well, and have 1 liter of Terpinator on the way.

^ Really Fedex! lol c'mon.
It's hard to tell from the pic's but the plants are way more green than they appear, but still not quite green enough in my opinion. I wasn't expecting to feed the plants so much seeing how I went with the TGA Super Soil again, but I want the plants to be slightly greener before getting any farther along into bloom, so I started feeding some things. I gave them a bit of CalMag+, Epsom Salts to help with sulfur, a Fish emulsion and liquid kelp organic mix that also had a bit of molasses for NPK 2-2-2, a drop of organic dish detergent as a surfactant, and a zinc/iron supplement. I'm expecting they ought to really green up and have a bit of a shine within a few days to a week or so. About the only other thing I can think of to help them green up a little more would be to unhook the ducting that pulls fresh air in from outside and cap that vent, then just allow the intake fan to pull in air from my bedroom which is warmer than the outside temp, that way the cold air wont lock out phosphorus. I think if I do this I will still be okay because I now have that ExHale C02 bag in there. The plants also received a foliage feeding consisting of the OpticFoliar three part Transport, Watts, and Rev. The plants will only continue to get this three part foliage feeding for up to a maximum of two more weeks only getting sprayed Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.



That didn't take long to green up. I expect the plants to continue looking even better over the next few days and then hopefully maintain looking good till harvest.

It's hard to tell from the pic's but the plants are way more green than they appear, but still not quite green enough in my opinion. I wasn't expecting to feed the plants so much seeing how I went with the TGA Super Soil again, but I want the plants to be slightly greener before getting any farther along into bloom, so I started feeding some things. I gave them a bit of CalMag+, Epsom Salts to help with sulfur, a Fish emulsion and liquid kelp organic mix that also had a bit of molasses for NPK 2-2-2, a drop of organic dish detergent as a surfactant, and a zinc/iron supplement. I'm expecting they ought to really green up and have a bit of a shine within a few days to a week or so. About the only other thing I can think of to help them green up a little more would be to unhook the ducting that pulls fresh air in from outside and cap that vent, then just allow the intake fan to pull in air from my bedroom which is warmer than the outside temp, that way the cold air wont lock out phosphorus. I think if I do this I will still be okay because I now have that ExHale C02 bag in there. The plants also received a foliage feeding consisting of the OpticFoliar three part Transport, Watts, and Rev. The plants will only continue to get this three part foliage feeding for up to a maximum of two more weeks only getting sprayed Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.



Tonight I clipped away most of the lower growth. I didn't want to leave the lower stuff that wouldn't grow into much anyway, and it was taking nutes from the plant that could be better used to feed the bigger top buds. Also trimming away this lower growth means there will be less plant growth that I will throw away at harvest because the lower stuff is usually so small and airy that I often feel it isn't worth my time to trim it. Clipping away the smaller bottom growth should also give more light to the top buds, because some of the lower growth actually made it to the top but was so skinny I just clipped that away too. Clipping away this tall skinny growth also removed the leaf material growing from those skinny branches that was shading the other leaves at the top. Another reason I clipped away the lower growth was for better air flow, I also raised my fan to help with this. The main reason I was ready to clip the lower growth though was so that when I go to water and feed my plants there isn't a bunch of plant material I have to fight with to get my watering can in there. I don't really like taking growth off my plants. But I guess its worth it with these benefits.

