3 sun leafs and 3 top leafs on sprouting??


Active Member
Indoor with cfls. Ive got a huge closet, like 8ft tall, 10ft wide and 2.5ft deep. Could get a real operation going in there if I wanted to, lol. But Im just growing personal.


yah i dont like haveing moor than one or two my self my two new clones are going to be inside im hopeing by doing inside i can purduce more in a short amount of time that and i dont want to loose this strian of plant what ever kind it is big wide leaves i think its or atleast has indca


Active Member
Its hard to know, because of that extra chromosome making everything bigger. I was told mine is Kush when I got the bag I got the seeds from(found 5 outta an oz, and from what I hear Kush has a tendency to do this mutation. Im gonna keep about 2 in there, and keep clones going if this is a female. Try to get that perpetual harvest going so I never have to go without.


Its hard to know, because of that extra chromosome making everything bigger. I was told mine is Kush when I got the bag I got the seeds from(found 5 outta an oz, and from what I hear Kush has a tendency to do this mutation. Im gonna keep about 2 in there, and keep clones going if this is a female. Try to get that perpetual harvest going so I never have to go without.

thats my idea i spend 150 every two days on an ounce so i figerd this would save some money and i know what im getting with my own grow


and when we get are stuff we call it all mersh up hear enles it was home grown

than we just call it home grown we have to many pepole that like takeing mersh and calling other stuff just to make more money.


well me and the old lady smoke she takes a half and i take a half so how we do it is she pays for half and i do that and i ahve smoking buds acroos the road so mine gose faster


Active Member
ahh, I get you. Im lucky, my old lady doesnt smoke now that she's preggo, but she never really smoked that much to begin with. Maybe once or twice a day. Me, I got a bowl near me at all times when Im home, take a puff here and there all day, all night lol.


ahh, I get you. Im lucky, my old lady doesnt smoke now that she's preggo, but she never really smoked that much to begin with. Maybe once or twice a day. Me, I got a bowl near me at all times when Im home, take a puff here and there all day, all night lol.
mine dident at all till she meet me

i wake up at like 4:00 with my bowl puff till 5:30 roll 15 jays off to worke. puff puff . than home and if we have no wear to go like rents than its off to the other side of the road and puff till super than back home with the wife than we puff till bed time


Active Member
Dedicated smoker! I like that. Id do the same if I could afford it, which is pretty much what this is all about for me. Having a never ending supply of my own bud. I dont get how the U.S. can call that illegal. Shit, me being high has prevented at least 4 people from being killed, lol.


Dedicated smoker! I like that. Id do the same if I could afford it, which is pretty much what this is all about for me. Having a never ending supply of my own bud. I dont get how the U.S. can call that illegal. Shit, me being high has prevented at least 4 people from being killed, lol.

just like im not a big fan of are persdint

i only suport him becuse of the pot leglization its all ready made it to sentit

that and maine is a medcail mj state

so are fines and stuff are not bad

yah me growing is becuse of kids are farm house payments time to not waste money

that and i respect the plant not just for bud but its life thary an intreasting plant im hopeing after nov 2 in maine it pass all the way than i have no fear of the law in forcment


Active Member
Hell yeah, Im all for the legalization of it. It should have never been made illegal to begin with. In my opinion, alcohol is worse.


yah boos has killed moor pepole than pot ever will and thay say its a gate way drug hahaha lol im 23 and never did any thing but somked my self stupied and smoke cigs why cant it be lagel it grows fast it s roots is a good soil stoper for like erosion you can produc fule form the hemp not deprecait the corn value trying to make fule out of smoething we can eat and gangs and other cartel cant amke profit if it was legal becuse if its leagel no has to buy it thay can grow it than it stops the black market at least with that are borders become moor safe from mexico


Active Member
Exactly. All those reasons are valid. It has to be something with the government, maybe they are making money off it on the sly! They are probably getting paid to let in all the illegal drugs that do get through customs and if they legalized it, it would cut into their pockets!


Exactly. All those reasons are valid. It has to be something with the government, maybe they are making money off it on the sly! They are probably getting paid to let in all the illegal drugs that do get through customs and if they legalized it, it would cut into their pockets!

look at big bush he got cought selling perscription nrocs to forin compenys

they feds all was have thary hands in it some wear that and obama just declaird stope on war on drugs dont thay relize thay have been trying to stop pot sence the 50's and its know 2009

i thinks it's time thay stope wasting tax money and jail cells for pot smokers and
put away the acull bad pepole that still walk freebongsmilie