3 weeks into veg, when to start reducing light?


Well-Known Member
Ok so im in the third week of veg, i was wondering when or if i should start winding down the day light hours slowly, by week, untill it is ready for twelve twelve. I am thinking this will be less of a shock for the plant, less chance for hermies (hopefully its a girl) and have a smooth crossover into flowering. Any insight will be appreciated!!bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you can start the nutes at three weeks, just make sure to start out slow (although earth juice is a great product and very difficult to burn with). As far as the switch to 12/12 you don't have to do it slowly you can just switch to 12/12 without any worry of hermying. Just remeber that your plants will double or even triple in size so usually you want to switch your cycle when they are a bit less than half the size you want.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply, i am hoping to get those nutes this weekend, how much is a small amount for the plant and which are reccomended?


Well-Known Member
Earth Juice has directions right on the side of the I would start at or a bit below the suggestion for mild. The directions are given in mild, normal, and strong so you can guage as you go along. Just work your way up to strong over the course of your grow.