3 Weeks till harvest & I have bugs BAAAAD!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey all! I started having some bug problems about 2 weeks ago and ignored it now, i have little black spots on all fan leaves of my plants :cuss:, sucks to cause this was about to be my best harvest, with a little over 3 weeks to go these have way surpassed my past harvests and they arent even done yet..... Heres my questions..

Can i use Neem Oil this late
will it effect my taste & harshness
should i just tough it out the next 3 weeks and harvest early if needed?

I know how to handle bugs, just never had them this bad this late in the cycle.....


Well-Known Member
I dont know about the smell or taste .. Ive never used it before but Ive read that people have with no bad results .........Good luck