30 days in and on 12/12; 2 widow and 6 unknown.


Active Member
Hi everyone,

This is my first legit grow:weed: and it is going great. I started my seeds (which were purchased from Nirvana shop) 30 days ago. I ordered 10 white widow seeds and got those and an additional 10 free seeds. I started with 2 widow seeds and 6 of the free seeds.

Now My girls (lets hope) are around 12 in tall with around 6- 10 nodes and nice small branch's (around 5 in long) growing out of the lower nodes. Is this too early for 12/12. I want a nice sized harvest but i only have a 250watt HPS so i don;t want the plants to get too tall.

Here is a pic i pulled from off the web. It is very similar to the size and look of my plants. Hope this helps. I will put some pics up when i can.


Just for fun here is some info;

I started my seeds under 4 cfl's 23watt and 2 15watt florescent tubes(2tf long). They were under that for 3 weeks and then i moved them to larger pots and put them under a 250watt HPS for the last week. PH is around 6 and i got some grow juices from a local hydro store.

Here is another pic. This plant is slightly larger than what mine look like right now but i would say that they will be there in less than a week. Should i leave them in veg until they are this tall and with all the nodal branch growth (yes i made that up but you know what i mean) or is 12/12 now going to work?


Any how, have fun with this post. I will add pics and make this a journal some time soon.



Active Member
Ok i have to say my plants are very very very similar to both pictures i put on this post. By same i mean the Height, nodes and new branch growth.


Well-Known Member
you can go to 12/12 anytime you want, even from the start. but the longer you veg the bigger the plant and the greater the amount of buds (within limits). lots of people here would start 12/12 now or within a couple of weeks.


Active Member
So i have had them on 12/12 for just over a week and the ww both turned out to e be males buy the 6 other plants have no signs of their sex. Is this normal? Should i start seeing a change this week?


Active Member
males show signs of sex faster then females, just be patient.

Good call on patients. The males showed up quickly and the females are looking good. like real good. They don't smell yet, which is good because i haven't put got any activated carbon filter yet.