34 days into flower/Do I dare re-plant?


Well-Known Member
how bad do u really need to repot? cuz from what ive read being rootbound doesnt really hurt the plant its just a hassle to water so frequently and the ph tends to swing real fast sometimes.


Well-Known Member
if u think it would effect ur yield then i would say go for it. most of the time when i transplant my plants dont stress out too much anyway. worst case senario you lose 2-3 days of flowering time.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice to see a pic! Is the plant drooping? What size is the pot that it is in now? How big and tall is the plant? It's real easy to check to see if you should transplant it to a bigger pot. When you water the next time pop one out of it's pot and look at the roots. If you see lot of roots hitting the pot and you have some drooping I would transplant. If there is no drooping I wouldn't transplant! If it is root bound it will droop!