368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal


Well-Known Member
so lets talk about the technique of cutting the shoot so that two come out...fimming?

how do i do this, and where should i do it to my lady in veg? shes already split into 2 and i am fixin to mainline her...hows the rest look? the flowers are heavy as shit, ugly too but they smell real good and are sticky as hell...smoke pretty good too :-)


Well-Known Member
at the top of a node where the little leaves are growing and look like a teepee pull them apart, inside there should be a little budlet(more leaves forming a teepee basically), cut it in half with clean scissors. thats it.:)


Well-Known Member
not 100% sure on this but im thinking that clones arent the best for "mainlining.

if you were going to do it you would probabally have to take off most of the plant????



Well-Known Member
cutting them down that far would allow the 2 nodes at the bottom to grow out then you would fimm them nodes.....


sorry caps


Well-Known Member
BTW clones are starting to show roots and this weekend would be a good time to come grab some........if anything come get a blue cheese clone this strain is to fucking die for man....last time i harvested my friends were on that shit like it was crack!!!......also got plenty of fruity chronic juice clones which seem to be a good pheno growing fast and BIG!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i see what you guys are driving at...

its hard to see from the pictures, and i think youre right matt, it is tougher on clones cause they dont grow symmetrically and straight, but i cropped the shit outta this lady and you can kinda see that she splits into 2 fairly symmetrical shoots, and yes i have to split these two shoots into 2 each, and then those 4 into 2 each to get the 8 headed lady im looking for.

good to know that i split the lil "teepee" in twain. lol. thank you for that poly. i thought thats what does it but i was a lil nervous to do so without confirmation. i will be attempting this technique soon, perhaps even tonight.

hows everything looking in the flower cab though guys? i know the leaves are a lil crispy, but the plants themselves are doing pretty well. stopped shooting upwards and continued filling out. the ones that are finishing lower on the plant are really triching up nicely, super sticky and pretty pungent. i did chop 2 smaller lower branches a while back and quick cured them on top of my plasma, and they smoke wonderfully for being as immature as they are. last night trimmed 2 more branches that just werent guna make it any longer. one of them had a pretty bad mold problem, but so far as i can tell that was the only branch that had that problem. i did do a thorough check over of the plant. seems great. the two i chopped and trimmed last night look awesome. still slightly immature but they will be fine. all in all i have chopped 4 branches and i estimate about 5/8ths and it looks like i barely touched my flowers. lol. WICKED amped to see dry weights!


Well-Known Member
didnt even see that last response of yours til after i posted matt!

I would love to, have all sorts of plans this weekend though. holidays and whatnot. damn man i REALLY wana make that work! i would LOVE to have some new strain to work with. i dont have any more rooted clones of my strain as i composted them when i knew i didnt have anyplace for them... :-(


Well-Known Member
didnt even see that last response of yours til after i posted matt!

I would love to, have all sorts of plans this weekend though. holidays and whatnot. damn man i REALLY wana make that work! i would LOVE to have some new strain to work with. i dont have any more rooted clones of my strain as i composted them when i knew i didnt have anyplace for them... :-(
maybe in the new year...ill have more of a variety by then anyways


Well-Known Member
lol i right after posting that found that same exact one matty...thank you! helped a lot. hopefully it works and i get 4 new heads! so do you clean up the new growth like the tiny shoots at the armpit of a fan leaf?


Well-Known Member
so this is what i have left drying, just finished trimming today.

this is total yield. havent weighed but looks like a few ounces...

up close


finished cloner bucket, got the lid and the dome at the hydro store, works very well. could use a black bucket.

my epically failing attempt to mainline. well...i guess its not TOO bad, but it needs to grow on one side!

youll see what i mean in this pic, i cut it down WAYY to far! :-( idiot. live and learn! (and grow better...)



Well-Known Member
hahaha i forgot to take pics of it, got excited about posting. havent posted since before christmas! i will post pics of it later tonight. it doesnt have anything in it yet, and needs a light, but it runs well. hope it WORKS well. lol. looks like it will! for leafy green veggies, lettuce, herbs, etc.