

Active Member
You are lucky they are being NICE. Me, not so much.. Let's get the fucking facts straight. You have only EVER taken 20mg Oxycodone/ Percs? correct?

Follow with me now, keep up! You took 160mg's of Oxycodone?? Thats like taking 16 Fucking perc 10's, Minus the apap/tylenol !!!

Do you see what I'm getting at? You did not break them ( thank god ) or else you probably would be in the hospital.

The time release saved your ass And is also why you are still feeling it.

know your drugs.. Please.
the above post is a good post

i am very, very experienced in the world of opiates (from natural forms to the fully synthetic) and all i could do is drop my head in disbelief after reading that.
its good that you are ok. if you had crushed them with little to no opiate tolerance, you my friend would be dead from respiratory failure, or in a hospital getting pumped full of naloxone. and that is not a good thing to have in your medical file.
take care, and read up on what you are putting in your body and how much of it.