
Well-Known Member
Afro man? Not to shabby, but they say "ride to medicating area" how far away is that from the expo I wonder


Well-Known Member
Great, Afroman. Think they could have picked a positive cannabis role model. That dumb "because I got high" song is a freaking insult to any intelligent marijuana user! Seems like more people would notice dudes an idiot and need not be included!


Well-Known Member

Its called satire...


Well-Known Member
LOL agreed. Cheech and Chong were certainly fools. Cheech went on to play a pig on TV. As far as Chong I got mixed opinions. Mostly good, but back in about 01' I think he was supposed to speak at the Seattle hempfest. He showed up, his van load of bongs brokedown, he got all sad and didn't want to speak if he was not making any loot. I've heard a few more stories similar but can't confirm them.

My point with Afroman is mostly against the people thinking its some sorta of weed anthem? Because I got high I fucked off everything and still made a millions singin to the masses? Just a poor choice for anyone looking to improve the way the plant is percieved!

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I emailed the address in the link asking for me information and details about the demonstrations, performances, speakers, ect. No response yet, I'll post anything I hear back from them...


Well-Known Member
I went to this last year and it was pretty cool. I didn't catch any of the performances or lectures, but they had a bunch of cool vendor booths. They also had food, drinks and a bus you could ride to a farmers market. It was a pretty good time and I scored a few growing supplies at a good discount. My GF had a good time and she didn't even have her card yet. I'm considering going again this year.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member

This event is going on now! I'll be there tomorrow morning, wearing a AK-47 shirt. Don't be shy if you think you see me!