3rd grow, 5 weeks flowering, problem with fan leaves. PIC'S INCLUDED*


Active Member
Hello everybody,

This is my first post, I turn to y'all for advice as I am stumped. This is our third grow and the second grow this same problem has shown up on. The issue I am having is that the fan leaves are developing small dots along the veins of the leaf. The same thing happened on our first grow and eventually took over all the fan leaves and eventually started to spread to the trim leaves. I have looked all around the web for what the problem could be but i have not seen anything that looks close to our problem. the ladies are ~5 weeks into flowering and just stared showing these dots about a week ago. i should add that this is only effecting one plant. Growing indoor, the grow room stays about 78 degrees with exception of the past two days as my A.C. went out which bumped it up to ~85. We follow the fox farm nutrients soil schedule in soilless pro-mix watered whenever medium gets dry(about every 3 days). Ph is ~6.2 and PPM is roughly 750 - 850 for the past 2 weeks or so. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your input.

Picture note: i did not turn off my HPS even though rollitup suggests it because the pictures turned out fine. The leaves are a beautiful forest green, the problem is not discolored leaves but the spots on the veins which are easily visible.



Looks like your girls got herpes, I mean spider mites. Statistics say that 1/3 of all U.S. adults have em.lol. You never really get rid of them, but you can control the outbreaks, and there are a kabazillion ways to do so. I like ladybugs outside/soil and Avid indoors/H20, but atmosphere and cleanliness has alot to do with it too. Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
mmmhmmm and get some sm90. u r supposed to be able to spray it as a foliage spray while ur plants are flowering. it will kill them and make ur plants look ballin.


Active Member
I appreciate y'alls input, and i too think that it looks most like the symptoms of spider mites. the only problem is that i have looked up and down the plant with a magnifying glass every dady since the problems started showing and havent found a single one. just wondering if there could be any other possibilities as it is only on one out of 7 plants and only on its veins. If not it might just be better to be safe than sorry and try to treat the invisible spider mites.

the pic's included are just some bud porn of some of the unaffected plants. Some OG#18 and The Church. The sick Plant is TH-Seeds A-Train(Tallest plant, on right of grow room).



Active Member
I am having the exact same problem. I have a 60x100 loupe and I've scoured leaves, but find nothing. I am using azamax as a preventative so I don't believe it's 'bugs'. Not to mention it started on the upper leaves. Mites usually start at the bottom and work their way up. I'm in soil using RO water and calmag. My next watering I'm changing my nutes to botanicare.
Do your leaves droop as well? Are u using straight ff nutes do you use the solubles 2. How about carbohydrates, any? I use ff caught that same issue. but leaves were curling under and drooping like it needed water. started adding mollases evry feeding and no more spotting or dropping leaves.


Active Member
Do your leaves droop as well? Are u using straight ff nutes do you use the solubles 2. How about carbohydrates, any? I use ff caught that same issue. but leaves were curling under and drooping like it needed water. started adding mollases evry feeding and no more spotting or dropping leaves.
Thanks for your advice i am just using the base nutes and kangaroots/Microbe brew. i think i will try your suggestion, seeing as it really couldn't hurt and has the possibility to straighten this lady out.

Gracias everybody.
Mollases is a organic form of carbohydrates wich is very important for plants starting to flower because they use up all there stored energy. You will see a difference in plant health and growth if used properly i use when i feed. Only a few during veg and every fedding in flower. Not sure how i will with my dwc its a first go at hydro and will prob wing it.


Active Member
I believe my plant is doing better! Thank you cavorkybuds420! I had tried molasses earlier during this grow but it made the run off moldy. I just changed drip trays!


Active Member
Mollases is a organic form of carbohydrates wich is very important for plants starting to flower because they use up all there stored energy. You will see a difference in plant health and growth if used properly i use when i feed. Only a few during veg and every fedding in flower. Not sure how i will with my dwc its a first go at hydro and will prob wing it.
Thanks for the info. I also think it has made a big difference for the girls. you sir are the man.


Active Member
I moved new plants into flower and one of them started up with the same thing...tiny yellow dots...only difference was the HPS. I took it out and put in a ceramic MH (4700K). Plants are responding so much better. I won't be using HPS. I'm still using molasses with Botanicare probloom. 3 tsp of mollasses (I pour it in the bottle and count..1 1 thousand...2 1 thousand...3 1 thousand.) and 4 tsp of probloom. Removing the hps has also decreased my stress level cause my girls are so green and lovely reaching upward with their leaves toward the light!