3rd grow, papaya seeds


Well-Known Member
hey folks, tonight i took the one with the worse burned up buds out and cut the dry tops out. they lost more fan leaves than what i first thought. it sure is ugly, i loaded a bowl of the stuff, it taste decent, a nice mellow high. it's going to be some fine ass smoke when it gets all the way there.

was it worth the trip to mexico? i'll let you know in a couple of weeks.

btw i got 7 grams

pics coming soon,


Well-Known Member
the girls are recovering nicely. the trichs are mostly clear again, starting to come back strong. i'd say they have a couple of weeks to go. drying them out like that slowed them down to a crawl.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
glad to hear they are getting strong again. I want to see how much you end up with. I like these Papayas more and more. I am 17 days into flower on mine and they keep looking better. I cut 4 lower branches that weren't flowering that great and put them in foam medium and shot glasses full of water to clone. Hopefully at least one will root. Any clue how much bud you'll end up with?


Well-Known Member
hey douche, good luck with the clones.

i did some trading yesterday, i ended up with 6 chrystal, 4 papaya, and 2 ak-48 from nirvana.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
That will be a cool mix and match to grow. Are you going to do all 10 at once. I got my nirvana hindu kush in the mail today. 1 week exactly. Not too bad. Started germing all 10 today.:clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
hey douche, i've been working on a bad ass closet out in my work shed, it is 4'x4' and 6'6" tall. i've got it framed in, i still need to get some insulation. and figure what i am going to do for a door. i found an air conditioner at home depot for $100, i think cooling is all i need for a summer grow. i'm going to grow me some bud!!!


Well-Known Member
hey lizzardking, thanks for checking in

was it worth the trip to mexico? hell no, i ruined 3 fine little girls



Well-Known Member
the pic on the left was taken 1/09/09 the other was taken 1/27/09

the plant that is to the far left in each pic was the hardest hit.

all my big juicey bud turned into dust


New Member
I know how it feels man, I had a really beautiful cali kush plant with really big dark green leaves, and I had to leave for a day and a half and when I got back her soil was dry as shit and she was totaly crisped:-(:-(:-(


Well-Known Member
i guess the only good thing to come from this is we now know for sure never to leave your plants unatended or your love and hard work will be for nothing.


Well-Known Member
They dont look completely dead, isit worth cutting of the dead material and revegging?

I feel your pain tho dude, I would be devastated if that happened to my girls


Well-Known Member
they are getting heathier by the day. better than what i thought they would. i got them some worm casting. i spread out a cup in each pot and i made a gallon of tea i will feed them tomorow night. the run off of the last feeding was a ph of 6.0, so i will ph the tea to 7.0

the trichs are mostly cloudy, with very few ambers and fewer clear ones. this stuff is getting thick and yummy again. not as good as it should of been, but not near as bad as it could of. i've been smoking the dryed up buds. this weed is going to be wicked when done all the way.

i'll try to get some pics up this weekend, i want to show off my new grow space.


Well-Known Member
Nice man im glad it wasnt a complete loss. Its amazing that plants can just do that. fix themselves so quick i mean.

New setup sounds sick, cnt wait.


Well-Known Member
i think i can almost start bragging again? what do you all think?

they got feed the worm casting tea ph'd to 7.0, they will get fed a mix of big bloom and tiger bloom sunday. i'm planning on feeding them right up to the day of the cutting. i'm not going to flush these girls. i think i can get the taste i desire with drying and curing.