3rd Grow - White Widow - Ebb & Flow system


I just bought a complete home growing masterpiece, its got an ebb&flow system, using a 40-gal. res. and a 4x4 tray. Can fan air filter attached to a 4-in can fan. An Xtrasun ballast 120/240, and Xtrasun 22"x22"x8" light hood, w/ glass, running a sodium halite 1000w bulb. A 6" can fan pulls air from outside and through the light, its then all ducted together using 6-in flex ducting to meet with the can filter ducting and exhausts out of the 5'x5'x7' Dark Room (DR-150 if your in the market by Secret jar-din) that the whole system fits right into.
Now the thing is that I'm brand new at this, and to be frank, i haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing(dont tell the clones). But i jumped in feet first and, i want to bring some of you along with me through these posts.
Now i just got the whole system up and running. The light and its fan are on a timer set for 12/12, the sub pump timer is set for a 15 min cycle every 4 hours. Ive got my IONIC Grow solution made up in the 40-gal res. Right now the ppm is sitting around 650 (is that too high for young plants), the ph is at 6.5-6.8 ( that also seems to be a bit high, i mean it is acidic but it asks to be at 5.5-6.2). So here we go ill figure out how to get pics on my next post, in a couple of days. Good Gardening to you all!!!https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/weed2.gif


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man. Healthy and no stretch.

Yea, thats why I used hydroton for so long. If a pump fails you have time to fix
the problem. Hydroton will retain enough water to keep them alive for a day or two.
Not so in aeroponics.


Active Member
Lookin good man. Healthy and no stretch.

Yea, thats why I used hydroton for so long. If a pump fails you have time to fix
the problem. Hydroton will retain enough water to keep them alive for a day or two.
Not so in aeroponics.
Ive been keeping a close eye on these baby's....making sure to take real good care of them. And the new nutes the girls are just loving them. I hope that they all turn out to be females. I need to measure how tall they are so i can put into flowering


Well-Known Member
Good looking grow man.

Ya know,

If you want to sex early and veg for more size before flower you can cut clones, root them,
then start the clones on 12/12 while you veg and gain size. They will show sex in about three weeks.

Just be sure to label them so you will know what you have. Toss the males and clone the females before going into flower.

Then you have a set of female clones for your next grow and get a larger yield on this one.


Active Member
Good looking grow man.

Ya know,

If you want to sex early and veg for more size before flower you can cut clones, root them,
then start the clones on 12/12 while you veg and gain size. They will show sex in about three weeks.

Just be sure to label them so you will know what you have. Toss the males and clone the females before going into flower.

Then you have a set of female clones for your next grow and get a larger yield on this one.
Thanks for the advice. I have read up on cloning but not real sure on how to do it properly. You have any good teq to do it right.


Active Member
Hello to everyone who has been visiting my theard. I just took some new pics today of the girls. I lost one of them when my pump took a shit on my. So Im down to four healthy plants. I will change out the water tomorrow on them to include the flowering nutes. Hope you enjoy. ( Crossing my fingers that they are all females )

Can anyone tell me what the last two look like? The 2, 3 pic are of my white widows, just trying to figure out what 4,5 pic are?



Active Member
I know its been awhile since I had posted some pics, I was down in FL on vacation. I just got in to check on my girls and one has been really stressed since my pump has been acting stupid the 2 white widows are quite nice but Im afraid one might be male that is where u guys come into play. The others Im still alittle unsure of. I took the best pictures I could but let me know if I need to try and get a better shot.

1. Bagweed - this is the stressed one doesnt look like its showing anything yet
2. Same pic as one, i know its blurry i will try for a better one.
3. White Widow (1) she is alittle smaller but still unsure of sex
4. White Widow (1) another pic, aliitle closer hope it helps
5. Front row - left to right (sick bag weed plate, right white widow(1) Back Row - left to right ( bag weed, white widow (2)
6. White Widow 2 - which i beleive are balls
7. Another of White Widow 2
8. White Widow 1 - which im pretty sure is the only female



Active Member
Hope you had a nice vacation.

Sorry to tell you but 4215.jpg is a male.

check it out, I circled the pollen sacks in red.

Thanks bro, thats what I had thought as well I just needed a second opinion before I go and cut them down, So I got one female out of a six plant grow. Oh well thats life I will keep the pics coming for the one female that I do have.

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
Hey BudSmoker,

Sorry to hear about your males dude - Your DIY set is Awsome - Its made me think twice about buying a wilma system for my next grow (£70)
How much did that cost you to make ?

REJ :)


Active Member
Hey BudSmoker,

Sorry to hear about your males dude - Your DIY set is Awsome - Its made me think twice about buying a wilma system for my next grow (£70)
How much did that cost you to make ?

REJ :)
I brought everything for my grow at home depot and paid around 250us with lights and all.


Well-Known Member
Wow thats a lot of males.
I didn't see pollen sacks on the other pics but you know what they look like now.

At least you have a female. Now just grow her out a bit and learn to take clones.
You can put her in her own container off to the side and plant a bunch of clones.



Active Member
Wow thats a lot of males.
I didn't see pollen sacks on the other pics but you know what they look like now.

At least you have a female. Now just grow her out a bit and learn to take clones.
You can put her in her own container off to the side and plant a bunch of clones.


Damn you read my mind. I was about to research how to make some clones to get them going. If you got any advice Id love to hear it before she gets to the point where i cant clone.


Active Member
Well I took my only female and put her back into a veg stage. That way I can pull some clones from her. She is very nice and healthy looking. Hopefully she will continue to thrive with her lush clones at her side. I will keep you all up to date, since this will be my first cloning attempt and mother plant. Im aliittle nervous and excited at the same time. First 2 grows didnt come out to well and this one has exceeded all of my expectation considoring this is my first ebb and flow system.

I will take pics of my clone set-up, still looking around for a simple idea to set my clones in. Anyone with some idea's?


Active Member
Here are some resentt pics as of a cpl of minutes ago that are of my only female. She looks alittle strecthed to me. Anyone give me some advice on how to correct the problem. I keep the lights pretty damn close since im only using cfl lights for my grow.

By far this has been my best grow to date. I have clones of my females that I will be posting as well.



Active Member
Here are some pics of my clones. Hopefully they will be as good as the mother.

I will be transplanting them into a larger pots once i complete my second ebb/flow setup. This started as a single grow and now has become so much more. Thanks for visting my journel I will keep them coming.



Well-Known Member
There ya go,

Now you are cookin. Ya know, I dont even mess with plants that are not female anymore. Either I clone or buy fem seeds.


Active Member
Hello everyone, Its been awhile since I have posted some pics. I have been busy with work and shit so i will get some updated ones for yall to look at.

I also took 4 clones from the mother before she went into flowering and all 4 have taken so Im working on getting them transplanted into a new veg space that im putting together, I was using a aerogarden to support my clones which has done surprisingly well. It was my first time cloning so Im interested on how will they will continure to grow thoughout the process. Well let me go take care of some stuff, and I will get some pics posted little