3x3 vent to attic in hot environment?

I'm having to move my tent from garage to closet, which has an attic access. Idea here is to have AC interior house air as the intake and exhaust into the attic. Attic space is large and it is a desert environment. I've seen issues with doing so in cold areas, but is this ok for hot dry climates?

Also, plant is doing too well! Overtaking the tent, single DWC.

*Sorry first post, probably should be in teh indoor grow room instead of micro.
if your dwc is raising your plants so high with a growth lighting schedual, you may wish to do a 12/12 from seed grow . this should cure your problem
another way is to pinch out the top leaving a few branches that you can prune to fit your grow space.
just remember that a plant will double or trebble in height during the 12/12 shift into flowering from growth.
i would look at some of the manifolding threads and high stress training threads for ideas on keeping your plant shorter whilst giving you a goodly amount of growing heasds to produce flowers
yet another way is low stress training, this is maybe a better option for you, it involves tieing down the top of the plant to youf dwc buckes lip or lid. you make holes in the lid to attach wires holding down the top of the plant and you can manipulate it into growing around the shape of your dwc bucket lid and you end up with a short plant growing around instead of up.
i will take a photo out of my book to show you what i mean, it will make sence of what i have explained to you, which is not my strong point
i would recomend you try the low stress training as in the pictures. just type in LST into the search engine to find better threads on the subject. good luck and happy growing


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I've done so for nearly a year with no issues. If you're worried about possible mold, you can run the exhaust tube all the way up to an exterior vent in the attic. That's kinda why i'm not too worried about moisture, my attic/rafters has vents on either side so the air just kind of blows through.
I'm growing in the garage in the desert too. I have a swamper out there.

Possibly relevant: I have an attic in my garage and I have tried venting the swamper via the access panel in the ceiling. The issue I had was that the garage is also my smoking area and before long the smell of the cigarette smell made it's way into the second story of the house.