4/20 Harvest Pics - 8k HPS Afwreck, Headband


Active Member
Well I finally sobered up after my fucking awesome 4/20 and got around to putting pics up. I spent all day on the 20th getting high as fuck and helping harvest a friend's huge grow op. We hadn't planned on cutting till like the 23rd or 24th, but shit weather ruined our fun plans, so I figured what the hell lets do work and cut everything on 4/20 and make a party out of it. We made about 130 grams of bubble hash in the last few days in preparation for this. Only one batch of like 12-15g is really really bomb bubbly shit but still. We also had like an ounce of Blueberry, some Afwreck from the last run, and a huge bag (like 4 or 5 ounces) of organic Maui to roll up.

Just so you can get an idea of the grow setup: It consists of 4 full-size shipping containers inserted into the side of a hill. When I say inserted, I mean we used a D8 and a backhoe and dug out many tons of earth from the side of a very clandestine mountain and laid the containers in as far as possible, then covered them back up with dirt, trees, brush, whatever we could find. One container is a clone/storage room with some fluoros and a 400w MH. One is a veg room with 3k MH. The remaining 2 containers, called the East and West rooms, are flowering rooms with 8 1000w HPS in each one.

He had 40 or 50 Afwrecks and a few Headbands in the East room ready to cut down. We started the clearcutting early in the AM, hoping for 14 or 15 pounds. Last run was 12.5 or so but there were bad mites. We had three homies working - one cutting down and two using the Trimpro machines. We took our time and got blazed all day and it took us like 5 hours (last month 2 guys had the West room cut and hung in less than 2 hours lol). Anyway, enough of my bullshit ramblings. Heres some pics! Peace RIU!

In order: 127g bubble hash, cutting down plants, using the 12 year old Trimpros, some bud waiting to hang, a shitload already hanging, the room after harvest.



Active Member
Beautiful lookin' grow, man. Do you know where to get any Afwreck beans? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
