4 Autos under a "432"W HTG 7 band LED (Somango, Jack, Super Cheese, Candy Cheese)


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I decided to get some of the autos going in my veg tent. They are all planted in coco in 4L square hempy buckets with a perlite res, and so far all have at least 1 set of true leaves. So far I'm leaving the light on 24/0 but may change when I move the "Fallen Angel"(by the Devils Harvest) and White Cheese (White Widow x Cheese freebie from SOS) that I've been vegging for about 35 days or so. Unfortunately on my laptop I am unable to "enter down" and to make my posts more readable so I may post pictures and such as separate posts. The two cheese autos are a couple days ahead of the others and I will take more pics tomorrow. Thanks for checking this out and please take a look at my other grow in my sig!


Well-Known Member
With last water I gave a light feeding of Cal/Mag and B1. They seemed to love it with no sign of burn or anything. I just realized how difficult it is to see under the LED light. I will try to get some pics under the white light


Well-Known Member
LOL not really sure if that's any better than the LED light? I have heard and seen some really nice things with that Auto Somango. I'm about to get the last Fallen Angel(by Devils Harvest) out of the Veg Tent and then change light to 20/4. I think the HTG should be able to just about handle the job I hope.


Well-Known Member
Day 13 on that Somango auto and I got to admit that it is not letting me down. I forgot what his name was, but if you google auto Somango this guy documented it on here very well and I'm glad to see it holding its own. Oh boy these autos are getting me ret-2-go boy ooo weee! Check out my other journal "My 1st grow," things are just starting to get good I tell ya!


Well-Known Member
Sad day for my autos. Unforeseen circumstances led to me not being able to get to my ladies for a couple days. It's a weird feeling.. Certainly managed to fuck up my day.. Real depressed like, can't even bring myself to take pics.. The type of day I was glad to go to the dentist pshh


Well-Known Member
After a long night of feeding my ladies urine mixed with tears, and singing Allanis Morriset songs, they appear to be making a swift comeback. I'm joking about all of that, except the comeback, and all I did was give give plain RO water(and love of course,) and some time to mend. So if anybody reading this ever has plant/s dry up, don't sweat it and get it some good water. Not too much either. I'll get the pics up tomorrow. Oh ya and the dentist finally found which of my teeth was cracked so it's the first day I've been able to chew without pain in two months.. In the words of Ice Cube "today was a good day."


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for stopping in you guys! The little ladies are beginning to show their beautiful pistils. I've had to raise the light up about a foot over the last week, and so far the HTG is performing well, but now come the real test. My buddy Bubba has been doing some great things with his panels so I hope I can keep pace. I will get some pics up tomorrow, and I hope everybody who is reading this has a safe and healthy Tuesday!