4' fluorescent lights.. WHAT KIND?

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
I picked up some 4 foot long fluorescent light fixtures from home depot. I made a fixture so that they all were right next to each other. I also wrapped the shields in tin foil.

BUT!!! What kind of lights should I throw in there? I have some of these laying around & curious if I can use any of these?

40 watt ACE cool white
40 watt PHILIPS cool white plus
40 watt GE daylight
34 watt PHILIPS econ-o-watt
25 watt PHILIPS work light 25

Or even better.. Whats the best light to throw in up in there?

Thanks in advance.

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
If my answer in in FAQ... Please tell me, because I searched the all over it.



Well-Known Member
i have 6 t8 four foot one tube floros. i nkeep em in a closet to veg my mothers. they are t8s. i guess the new t5s are better. but go for the cool white bulb. i read that thaty puts out the best light to grow. but you could just get a 400 watt hps for 194.00 dollars at atgstores.com in the horticulture section.


Active Member
If my answer in in FAQ... Please tell me, because I searched the all over it.

T8 Bulbs.

For Vegetate Grow I use and recommend a bulb with 6500k Color Temp. Usually Daylight or Soft White, it should say on the side of the package or box what the color temp. is on the bulb(s). You can use MH [Metal Halide] They work better for vegetative growth rather than flowering, im looking into getting one myself.

For Flowering I use and recommend a bulb with only 3000k Color Temp. But for flowering I would recommend getting something like 150watt HPS [High Pressure Sodiam] Depending on your space and budget you could use a higher watt HPS setup.


Active Member
I'm a newbie...but in that 'Mr Green' video he has foot fluros, same as you for vegging...he uses one cool white and one warm white in each fixture....use the higher watt ones.


Well-Known Member
Go for the day light ones the only problem that you might have is heat. In the summer you may not have problems but i would get 1 more that kicks a little heat i have a 4/4 room for mother and clones put your flouresents on chains because you want them has close to plant tops has possible.i have put two flouresents ans the low energy lights the one with two u shaped bulbs i put them on sides with down lights sorry i dont know name but you can get them in all shapes curly my two are equivalent to two 150 watt and they have realy supprised me there realy good again daylight.


Well-Known Member
there is no heat when dealing with floros, they arent high intensity lights, i can floiar feed then put my mootherplants 2 inches from the floros. as far as heat goes. i had to add hps just to try and keep the temp at 75f theres no heat coming from my 400 watt hps sun supply2 lamp either. which is weird. when i had 2 400mh and a 250 hps the heat from the mh was insane. hps isnt giving me any problems at all though