4 Pics Please Look N Help Is Possible


Well-Known Member
what do you think any input is appreciated... its 11 days old and i'm wondering when to transplant it when to trim/cut it sorry if you think these are stupid questions.... to me they arn't...... so thanks for the help..



Well-Known Member
hahaha its not a clone i'm sorry if i ever said that(i dont remember if i did) its 11 days old and a seedling


Well-Known Member
it could be 12 but its as basic as you can get 2 cfl's 26-13w 18-6 watered once a day with big fan on low.... probabbly just got pretty lucky???


Well-Known Member
anyone have somethin to say??? expert or anyone??? comments are fine too dont feel bad anyone...


Well-Known Member
Yea homie, i got ur back.

Okay as far as transplanting goes, the thing you want to look out for is a sudden decrease in your plant's rate of growth. This is a good sign that your plant is "rootbound" that means that the plant's roots have reached the edge of your growing container and have started to travel towards the middle; you don't really want this because the best roots take over the most volume and thus absorb nutrients from a larger volume of dirt.

As far as trimming - don't worry about it until your plant is like.... 10" tall. You never want to trim if you don't need to but once in a while a bigass fan leaf will block the light of developing leaves and/or bud sites so a little trimming is good. But don't stress on it too much man.

Anything else?


Well-Known Member
YO!!!!! thats what i'm talkin about bro!!!!!! thanks no one can give me anything i wanna hear... (not a problem) i enjoy hearing good/bad things about it but i like to hear that kinda shit... also how the hell do you trim it??? with scizzors and can i cut any leaves i want or some kill it some not??? im pretty new but love this shit man... i apreciate anything you gotta say...


Well-Known Member
Oh - PS hahahaha

The general rule is that foot your plant grows, your container should be 2x that amount in gallons. Ex, a 2 foot plant should be in a four gallon container. I know, that's a lot of fucking volume for one plant to take up but that's the general rule so just do your best to follow it. They won't necessarily die unless the plant is ridiculously small, like a 2 foot plant in a solo cup, but they will be stunted from poor root spacing.

I think my 100+ posts giving advice could earn me a rep+ eventually... :sigh:


Well-Known Member
YO!!!!! thats what i'm talkin about bro!!!!!! thanks no one can give me anything i wanna hear... (not a problem) i enjoy hearing good/bad things about it but i like to hear that kinda shit... also how the hell do you trim it??? with scizzors and can i cut any leaves i want or some kill it some not??? im pretty new but love this shit man... i apreciate anything you gotta say...
Yo, I like ur picture, it's pretty wild, and i am pretty high :weed:

Um let's see... trimming... yea, like during veg, you can take off leaves that are like 70% dead/crispy/yellow. Um.. If you use scissors you should either A sterilize it in boiling water or B burn the sharp part with a lighter and wipe the carbon off (fire sanitizes shit). You sterilize it because dirt can get into the cut you made and harm/kill the plant. Cut close to the stalk but leave like 3/4 centimeter so you don't risk disrupting the node space where a new branch will grow. Otherwise don't worry about trimming. If you have any Q's don't hesitate to ask the RIU community but also feel free to send me a message if nobody's answering.

Definitely, this shit is all so interesting man.


Active Member
u prolly wanna transplant soon. if u wait till soil is dry it should slide right out and u can check out root system. Or u can cut the cup away when soil is dry.If it to wet it will mush up. If it is dry u can view root system. It looks like it is time though because u are losing the bottom leaves. A good sign the roots need more room to grow. As far as trimming u are still a little ways away from that.