4 Plants 4 problems

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Each one of the 4 plants has a diffrent issue. please help me correct this.

The Environment:

4'H X 3' W X 2' D
3 sided box within a closet.
1x 50 MH
2x 65 cfl
4x 40 Daylight Floros
6x 40 Watt Cfls

Soil Baked at 200deg for 1 hour, mixed with MG perlite. Just raised lights to see if it was heat. The bigest I think is lack of N so I watered with Peter's 20-20-20

please help with the rest, each plant has a side and a top view.



Active Member
Have you been using any nutes before the dose of Peters? And is the soil Miracle grow?
My opinion (and you'll get alot of em) is that the plants with the fried leaf nips are a nute burn, the plant with the brown spots is a fungus, and the wilted plant needs more water. You have a hellova lot of pearlite in some of those pots, which wont retain much moisture. Good luck

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Have you been using any nutes before the dose of Peters? And is the soil Miracle grow?
My opinion (and you'll get alot of em) is that the plants with the fried leaf nips are a nute burn, the plant with the brown spots is a fungus, and the wilted plant needs more water. You have a hellova lot of pearlite in some of those pots, which wont retain much moisture. Good luck
No this was the first time using nutes, the soil is organic topsoil not MG


Well-Known Member
what is your pH? is your pH is off you can get all kinds of nutrient deficiencies and it does look like all of them are suffering from low nitrogen.

the droopy one really looks like a watering problem - too much, too little, poor drainage - something like that


Well-Known Member
I agree with the N deficiency on some of them, and some also look to have a zinc or magnesium deficiency.(hard to tell, at this early stage) The last one looks really thirsty, or overwatered, but they usually don't droop that bad with overwatering. Hmm...with all that perlite, is it possible that your overwatering and washing out all the nutes?

Medical User

Well-Known Member
I agree with the N deficiency on some of them, and some also look to have a zinc or magnesium deficiency.(hard to tell, at this early stage) The last one looks really thirsty, or overwatered, but they usually don't droop that bad with overwatering. Hmm...with all that perlite, is it possible that your overwatering and washing out all the nutes?
Could you believe that even with ALL that perlite I still had a compaction problem. Aerated the sould and droopy is perking and the rest are slowly flourishing.


Well-Known Member
water meter, and weight, that one has always been like that.
What I mean is, how are you watering them, are you waiting for the pots to go tinder dry before watering again, or are you using the scratch the surface technique to test soil moisture. In soil type grows, weed hates soggy roots and long periods exposed to soggy soil will result in a deficiency in just about everything, called nutrient lockout.