4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!


Well-Known Member
u think you will get a nice crop with that many tops? i know i only try to have a few tops that way they are bigger and have less popcorn bud..
Good question. I'm not totally sure. It's cool that you asked because I'm now experimenting with the next plant I bring in. I'm going to reduce the amount of tops and see how the buds turn out. Though I have no "popcorn" buds, I do see colas that are definitely smaller than others. So, I'm wondering if I got rid of some of them early on, will the others get even bigger??? I don't know, but I can't wait to try the idea out and learn.

Thank you for replying!



Brother you are the first cat that has caught on to the Lo'pan thing. I need to find me an avatar of that crusty bastard.

Man I cant wait to see your harvest man! Best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
nice but you should get rid of all that lower shit. It wont amount to much when dried.
agreed. From now on I'll be doing that. I'm not going to do a full blown lolloping job on my girls (at least not to the extent I've seen some people do, which is way too much in my opinion), but I will be getting rid of a lot of the lower shit from now on...

Thanks for stopping by and checking the grow out...



Well-Known Member
Brother you are the first cat that has caught on to the Lo'pan thing. I need to find me an avatar of that crusty bastard.

Man I cant wait to see your harvest man! Best of luck to you!

It's all in the reflexes!


One of my favorite jack Burton quotes:
When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."

hahahah. that movie rules!!!


Active Member
agreed. From now on I'll be doing that. I'm not going to do a full blown lolloping job on my girls (at least not to the extent I've seen some people do, which is way too much in my opinion), but I will be getting rid of a lot of the lower shit from now on...

Thanks for stopping by and checking the grow out...

pics pics pics!!! need more porn...hehe btw adding a vertical bulb or 4 would help turn that "popcorn" on the lower branches into kolas. its the horizontal placement of the lamps from above, and the canopy effect thats starving those lowers from buddin out. Don't hate em...just give more light hehe. cant wait to hear the yield:wall:


Well-Known Member
pics pics pics!!! need more porn...hehe btw adding a vertical bulb or 4 would help turn that "popcorn" on the lower branches into kolas. its the horizontal placement of the lamps from above, and the canopy effect thats starving those lowers from buddin out. Don't hate em...just give more light hehe. cant wait to hear the yield:wall:
:-) yeah man, that'd be great....but I'm already running over 2500 watts of light dude... I'm a little scared to add any more.. heheh.

I'll get some pics up tonight... Just got a new camera and can't wait to try i out...

Like I said, I have my hand held microscope now, so I'm just watching and waiting. as soon as I see some milky white and burgundy red (NOT brown) trichomes, I'll be harvesting

All the girls are on plain water now, and have been for a few days....no more nutes... I want these buds as clean and tasty as possible!!!



Well-Known Member
looking great man, I can't wait to see your results, might switch my setup to DWC...
I wouldn't blame you one bit... It's easier than soil to control, in my opinion, and it seems like the results are better as well....at least as far as indoor growing goes. and you don't have to get rid of soil, just water. which is easier in my opinion. :-)


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Well, I'm up to 58 days flowering. I've been watching the trichomes VERY closely. They are quite ripe....Nice big'ol stems with the mushroom on top, that we all love. As soon as see some milky white ones, and a few burgundy ones, I'll be harvesting. :-) Should be any day now, damnit... hahah. I might have mentioned this before, but my ladies are only drinking water now and loving it.

Here's some pics I took last night but didn't get a chance to post.

see you all soon!




New Member
How tall are you girls? How much did they grow from veg?
Looking sweet man, I bet it's some hard not to chop now lol


Active Member
Hello all,

Well, I'm up to 58 days flowering. I've been watching the trichomes VERY closely. They are quite ripe....Nice big'ol stems with the mushroom on top, that we all love. As soon as see some milky white ones, and a few burgundy ones, I'll be harvesting. :-) Should be any day now, damnit... hahah. I might have mentioned this before, but my ladies are only drinking water now and loving it.

Here's some pics I took last night but didn't get a chance to post.

see you all soon!

look at all those pretty ladies...still happy as hell. I think you could get an elbow each plant, depending on the density of course, the kolas look big enough if their dense then no prob!!! positive thinking..hehe:bigjoint:can we get a close up of one of the fattest kolas?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'll try to get a good close up picture of the fattest one tonight. The problem is, it's on the back of the plant, it's hard for me to get to that side of them nowadays....they've gotten so big. And the bud is VERY dense. I'm so happy... :-) This has been a very good grow. I need to get some good pics of the trichomes. Some of the buds almost look white in spots because the trichomes are so thick on them... It's truly an amazing site to behold.

A few more days.....aarrggghhh....it's so hard to wait. I'm so close. But I refuse to harvest early. Once you've gotten this far, what would be the point of not finishing to perfection?? heheheh.

I'll try to get some good pics up tonight..



Well-Known Member
Hello Friends and fellow growers. well for the last few days I've been promising to send out some pictures of my trichomes/flowers. well, I FINALLY I was able to take those pictures. And I'm happy to say that they turned out BEAUTIFUL!!! Now, I want to point out one thing. I was only able to take pics of the smaller "outside" buds. The buds that are directly under the lights are bigger, and have even more trichome production. but, it's harder to get a picture that shows the trichs and colors of the flowers off...I was able to get one big bud pic that looks pretty good though. And even that one is no where near as big as my biggest colas!!!

So, what do you all think??? :-) I'm happy... heheheh.

I'm stoked that I was finally able to show you guys some pics that actually capture the color of my flowers and show off a little bit of the trichomes...

Harvest won't be long now everyone...


Remember a few posts back when I was saying that they almost are frosted white looking because there is so much trichome production???? I really hope that you can see that when viewing these pics on this site. Because you can see it perfectly on the camera... *fingers crossed*

