4 plants one pot. one plant claw leaves?


Active Member
I am currently growing four plants all in the same contained(dumb i know) and they are in MG soil( dumber I know).lol. I was folowing the seemorebuds book. all of them are fine except one has had claw leaves since started flowering. only the leaves on the buds are curling and only on one plant??? how can I fugure this out? the plant with the problem is also the biggest plant. any help would be greatly appreciated
Does the soil have npk already?it could be nute burn if your giving it nutrients and there already food in the soil.is there lil round plastic balls in it?if there is give it a flush a good one room temp water n make sure ph is 6-6.5 ish.check runoff ph as well as the flush water if ur using fox farm or flora nova only feed halfthe dose thats on the bottle or it can cause this,i kno by trial and error bro it $ux but thats how u get better
Sum times this happens during flower not enuff n is gettin to the plant since flower nutes are mostly p-k sum yellowing is a given and sumtimes buds growing in make the leaves bend downwards do to lack of bud to leaf space ratio.what strain?do u gota pic?