4 TO 5 MONTHS TIL WINTER???? to late?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone
i just got some seeds from my mate a couple days ago and have already started germinating them last night. is it to late to get a harvest in???

i live in western australia ,perth and it can get very hot out here :peace:


Well-Known Member
I am in the states and its well into winter here and the temp last night was 28 Degrees Fahrenheit so I had to cover up two plants and they survived so far. Mind you they are about six inches tall and the growth is so slow. I would say you should be ok over there in the outback. What is winter like? Do you even get snow?


Well-Known Member
nah the winters over here arent to bad the temps last year where around 10 20 degrees and no snow


Well-Known Member
no worries,I knew a prof grower who didnt plant till xmas.
your biggest prob will be heat,water for seedling stage, in those 35-40 deg days.


Well-Known Member
ive made a shade cloth to put around it , but has lots of air flow and ive got water storage crystals ready for the soil also mulch .should that do the trick or atleast help

thanks for the replies