4 weeks into flowering and my white widow keeps growing!


Well-Known Member
yea so its been 4 weeks into flowering and all my other plants are all fuzzy w/ white hairs on top yet my WW went from 1 ft to like 3 1/2 - 4 ft once it went to flowering. it definately is female, and has been female and has hairs all n the sides but its just like interweaving itself like crazy and more complex and and taller instead of growin lots of hairs, is it just gonna be a longer flowerer or what?
IMG_0446.jpg IMG_0447.jpgIMG_0451.jpg



Well-Known Member
she's prolly gonna be a 10-11 week flowerer, maybe even 12. My widows do the same, she looks like she's going to give you an abundance of bud lovin though =)


Well-Known Member
just crazy though cuz its about 2 touch the light lol dnt wanna raise it cuz i got some auto femms that are smaller and need to be close to the light


Active Member
Put something under the smaller plants to raise them to where they should be. Looks real good though.


Well-Known Member
haha pretty good for all mircale grow huh lol. i use a mix mg soil w/ 1/4 cup of blood meal and 1/4 of bone meal to last veg, and bloom buster for flower


Active Member
Using a MH will make your buds stretch a lot, Seems like yours has a extended phenotype while using blue spectrum for flowering isn't recommended. Opposed to a HPS, It contains both blue and red spectrum, Or at least my bulb does. HPS lights also form alot denser buds. It does look good though, Cheers!


Active Member
I also just read Miracle grow nutes. NOTHING EVER GROWN FOR CONSUMPTION WITH MIRACLE GROW. Shit is Toxic, Flush the hellaouttait


Well-Known Member
I also just read Miracle grow nutes. NOTHING EVER GROWN FOR CONSUMPTION WITH MIRACLE GROW. Shit is Toxic, Flush the hellaouttait
i always flush em good, but yea ive read everything on it and it doesnt say anything about it not being used for plants that will be consumed. i dunno whats w/ people n dissing MG, nutes are nutes, i mean ya MG is strong and can burn ur plants, thats why u do 1/2 strength... and also why would they make Tomato fertilizer thats not made for consumption? exactly. Ferts are ferts. plants mainly need the main NPK ratios, like most plants, and some micronutrients


Well-Known Member
Using a MH will make your plant stretch a lot, Seems like yours has a extended phenotype while using blue spectrum for flowering isn't recommended. Opposed to a HPS, It contains both blue and red spectrum, Or at least my bulb does. HPS lights also form alot denser buds. It does look good though, Cheers!
using mh should help keep your plants shorter stoner.


Active Member
What your plant uptakes is what builds the plants leaves, stems and calayxes. Which in the end you consume. Why would you use Miracle Gro when your going for the best possible outcome? A bag of Peruvian Guano is $14 bucks. A organic promoter for Vegetative and Flower, It also will make the palate alot better, Connoisseur like. The water you feed your plants circulates your plant, Why circulate toxins when there are equally as cheap premium options? The water soaks into the plant, Its still gonna be there when you smoke your herb as well. I'm just giving you my personal opinion, I go to school for Horticulture, There are many different ways to harvest the same crop. Just ways that your plants appreciate, or ways that are convenient for the grower. At the end of the day, that becomes your decision. Anyways good luck with the harvest, You must burn one down for me!


Well-Known Member
How long did you veg her for mate ? I have on in 2 week veg reacing about 4 inches now along side with blueberry but the blueberry touching 6 - 7 inches.


Well-Known Member
How long did you veg her for mate ? I have on in 2 week veg reacing about 4 inches now along side with blueberry but the blueberry touching 6 - 7 inches.
4 weeks then switched and she just kept shooting up! its so complex in there, so much intertwining where buds are gonna show


Well-Known Member
just to let yall know i bent the top 90 degrees, so maybe it'll bud more instead of growing up? was gettin less than a foot from my bulb. and actually the bud time is actually at about 2 weeks cuz it took like 1 1/2 weeks to show