4 weeks into my first grow?

So i started my horticultural adventure about a month ago, built a 6 plant container in a 30 gallon storage container. I germ'd 6 seeds at first, 3 of which have taken off. Its been 30 days to the day since i put the cracked seeds in cubes and they are each about 8" vertical and look good (to me). New growth is beginning to take on a yellow hue, im trying to figure out whats up. Also i have had some returning signs of nute burn that i've been able to subside with additional water.

My setup is in a portable closet i found up in my attic. 60"x60"x24" perfect for 4' fluorescents, which im running off now as well as a spotlight cfl. I have a 400MH and ballast for flowering. Right now my res is about 25-30 gallons of water, ive got an airpump with two outputs to 12" airstones to keep the bubbles coming. Additionally, i have a waterpump w/ irrigation manifold that feeds for 20mins 3 times a day. All three have well developed root systems that are swimming in the bubbles now, do i even need to top feed anymore? Also I wired up some 12volt fans to keep the air flowing. I guess i just would like to get any tips/advice on my setup and general input on how my plants look after a month.

Im looking at nutes to get, saw those advanced nutrients PH balance 3 part mix i think im going to go with.

hit me with some feedback/tips/advice/praise



Well-Known Member
Pics look good. Neat set-up. I've always been told that yellowish hue means lack of nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
hey man the girls do look good. Keep it up. The yellow tint is them just telling you that they are ready for their feeding. Any ways if I were u I would go get another air pump and throw it in there. The droopy leaves are what Is making me think that. Other than that shit looks great. Did you mean you were going to be using a HPS fOr flower or dis you mean mh. N e ways keep it up


Hey Philagreen..lookin good man...couple things. 1st that MH light your talking about would be a pretty poor choice after all of your hard work..just get a high pressure sodium conversion bulb if your ballast is strictly MH...if not get a reg HPS bulb. And i have a manifold with irragation hoses as well. and i was told yes put the hoses back in..of course i leave mine in 24/7. constantly in nute solution. Good idea with the fans..just remember if it's gettin hot in there. you want to be blowing the hot air up away from your plants. On the advanced nutes, if your going to spend the money, go with the sensi grow part A&B along with sensi bloom part A&B. the B part automatically adjusts and keeps your Ph at 5.8 i do believe. That's the route i'm taking on my next grow. WITH OUT A DOUBT. They look realllly good for being 1 month man besides that yellow hue. i'm like 2 days shy of a month right now, and theres a pretty big difference between how these plants turned out..i don't think you mentioned what strains they were either. just curious is all...KEEP up the good work...i wish you a good grow. i will follow if you decide to start a journal on here.


Well-Known Member
Look good Phila. Give em somemore nutez and they should green back up for you ;) They iz hungray lulz. Keep em comin! Happy growing


Well-Known Member
MH would be good for vegging. Better than the fluorescents you're using. I use CFLs on small new plants/clones. HPS is flowering. You can flower with MH, but you won't get as much bud with it. The MH puts out a yellow/blue light wave. This is like the spring and summer sun and promotes growth. The HPS bulb puts out a red/orange light wave. This is like the fall sun and promotes flowering. Get more airstones and a better pump. I have a 950 gallon pump for about 20 gallons, and I could still use more. Spend about 50-60 on a pump and don't use the 12in airstones, they produce large bubbles. The finer the bubble the better. I use 2 cheap 12in blue stones too, but I also have 4 large Oxystones w/ them. Get nutes. They all do the same thing so pick one and start using a veg nute mix. Looks good so far.
wow thanks for the love/comments guys. I've just gotten home from a 3 day trip and reloaded my res with water and nutes. Right now im just using some whack water nutes i grabbed at a garden center, so im trying to get some real nutes asap. They've grown a bit since i first posted, but the yellowing seems to have grown as well. additionally, some of the larger leaves now look burnt up. My lights are about 6 inches from them so im assuming it must be nute burn? but wouldn't that be a contradiction? On the metal halide light, i was planning on using that because i already have a bulb and ballast from a homemade projector i built a few years ago.

Like i mentioned earlier im a complete newbie at this, im dont even smoke a whole lot, i just wanted to do this to be able to spark up some home grown greens in a few months. Ill throw up some more pics and keep posting on here, seems like a pretty welcoming forum for beginners.


Well-Known Member
you will find some really good advice here, from some knowing growers. you seem bo be well on your way.
couple thing id say on advice. in hydro you can never have too much air, i agree with rayishungry, you need good pump and stones. id recomend at least a 15 lpm pump on low end and a 40lmp on the high. the bigger pumps are noisey tho.
i used a tote also but found a ice chest much better to cotroll res temps. over 75 and you will experience problems.
the nutes are all NPK in one form or other with trace elements like iron zink cal n mag. they work togeather or against each other depending on ppms and ph. get a good ph and ppms meter, they will be your best friend with hydro. the nute burn is not apparent in the pic may not be burn but lock out of something. rippin got the n right with a possability of maby low cal or mag too. get you some nutes, not mg or crap like that tho ive seen some nice veg from mg but not flower. but some line of nutes that are simple and dont require 15 added sups to complete the needs. keep the ppms low and work up, more is not always better.
the light, well a hid is the way to go even if you have a mh, size is depending on what you want to accomplish. oh and air!! air movement and exchange within the confines of your grow cabinet is esential for the health of your plant.
im sure ive missed a hundred other things relevent to growing but these are the basics you need to start with

subbed n looking forward to seeing your sucess
ill be honest, i have no idea what strain im growing lol. I just know my friend grabbed the seeds in amsterdam last fall. So atleast i know its not dirt weed. Ive begun to think about when i should be cutting clones? Or if i should just go into flowering when the time comes and pull any males that pop up? I have cloning powder and a custom build incubation thing i made out of a cake cover for my original sprouts, so i definitely have the capacity to clones, assuming they dont die right away. Finally, im 100% confused on nutes now, i just want reasonably priced nutes that can last my first grow. Theres so many out there im overwhelmed.

Update on my plants, after just a day since fresh water and my cheapo nutes, green is beginning to spread around the yellowed leaves, thanks for the look fellas. Hopefully tomorrow the yellow will be completely gone :)


Well-Known Member

My wife and I went with this one for our 1st shot at growing. Seems to be working. You are right tho...TONS of nutez out there. We looked for what seemed like forever as well. These were relatively cheap and came with a bit of everything. The Sugar Daddy you may need more of, but I understand it being an extra...not really a NECESSITY. Idk, just an idea. Either way I'm sure you'll do fine. Happy growing


Well-Known Member
ive not used ff but i hear good reports re its ease n how the plants react to it. im a botanicare user, with a coupla addatives thrown in
Okay I think im going to buy GH grow micro bloom or the nova series 2 part series. will 1 quart bottles be enough for my grow? keep in mind im 5 weeks in right now.


Well-Known Member
1 qt bottles should be plenty. My Grow, Bloom, and Boost bottles are only the 500ml ones and I'll have enough for 4 plants the whole way through ;)