400 watt LED White Widow x Bubba Kush


Active Member
Those are some very impressive plants. i love LED plant shots. That Bubba Kush is looking really healthy. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys! I will be moving the bubblegum back to my buddies house and solely flowering the bubba kush under the LED one plant one light. best way to keep it as little cluttered as possible with NO heat issues at all

I really look forward to seeing my own results because if I do good with this then I'm buying another haha


Well-Known Member
You're doing a fine job, so I want to tread lightly (PI) here, but any light that focuses on R/B at the expense of white is not a good investment. I know, because my first ufo was R/B. Neither are the multi-spectrum panels

Think what they are doing... the china based manufacturers learned there is more to quality plants than R/B, so the moved to 5-7-11... band led panels and chips.

For what purpose? To get closer to WHITE light

Think of the massive inventory they have...

They boxed themselves into a corner

Visit a few of the RIU LED DIY threads and see what is being done with a single WW COB

Not having the skills to make my own, I used the DIY Spectrum BML light bars and mixed ~ 95% WW (3000/2700) + some 450 & 660

to use as supplemental lights during flowering, adding them to my 2 ufo 90s (3500/5000)


Well-Known Member
Thank you PetFlora! that's the kind of response that I love.

the led that I am using currently is


at least it is advertised that way. I have 4 rows that are solid white, two tiny bulbs that are IR.

so do you think that would be sufficient enough to flower one plant with even tops? I can always supplement with CFLs but I honestly would just like to see what I can do with this bad boy.

once again thanks for the reply!

here she is under normal light
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Well-Known Member
Looks good to me, but once buds start packing on weight you MIGHT need to add the other light

I used to stick to my guns when experimenting, now I pretty much want to max the yield

Too much work not to

I think you will get enough extra gms to be well worth adding the second light

Quality IR diodes are expensive, Crap one die quick, if they do anything at all


Well-Known Member
update on the bubba kush she's slowly starting to stretch! I love this part!

also here's my white widow plant and my bubble gum they're both being tied down and got the root rot under control



Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone!!! what I'm about to show you may make some of you upset but after reading up about it, and given the little light penetration I have with my dense canopy, I decided to do the defoliation technique. I cut off many of the large fan leaves and opened up a lot of light to the spot on the bottom that we're begging for light.

Yes I know this may cause the plant to hermie and yes I know I may do some serious stunting to my plant, but after seeing the results I'm willing to take that risk.

worst case scenario is that I have to discard my bubba kush and replace it with my bubble gun plant which is actually larger due to longer veg at my friends house

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Although I don't have any experience in defoliating, I've seen more threads and conversations about how it CAN be beneficial to photo-period plants (more than Autos) since it causes the plant to re-work its photosynthesis by means other than the leaves. This is a natural process most plants do.. It may stunt their growth a little, but plants tend to bounce back if it's not too drastic!

Looking great though!! Glad to hear the root-rot has subsided for now!


Well-Known Member
it has only been 2 days and she has already bounced back and grown several leaves. gradually switching her to bloom nutes and she should start her stretch here soon pistils are poking their heads out



Well-Known Member
not much to update. will upload some pics when I get home.

added a 250 cfm exhaust and a 100 cfm intake and my temps stay at 75 with the added fluoros
I'm extremely interested to see how big this thing gets because I'm really REALLY leaning towards getting a big panel LED and some T5's like you've got.. I figure with the lower wattage, I imagine you probably save a ton on electricity!! CFLs are great, but I think a T5 is a bit better since it seems to have a better effective coverage at only slightly more wattage in some cases.. Do you know what wattage yours are??


Well-Known Member
hey twizzle I think my t5s are 94 watts total. added along with the 200 true watts of my 400 watt LED, it gives a total of almost 300 watts of all different kinds of spectrums of light!

Also I have a question guys and please respond ASAP if possible! My temps have been reaching 82 degrees with this light fixture in there, would I be better off growing in 75 degree conditions with no side lighting? Or be better off with side lighting and a higher temp?

As far as I've heard, the ambient temps can be 82F, but it could bring the res temps up which is not good.. I do know that guys have thrown frozen bottles of water in their res to keep those temps down, but have you tried having the fans blowing more at the T5s?? If not, it may be something to explore.. My enclosure has had several days where the temps went up to around 82F, but the plant seems to be doing okay.. Like I said though, your plant is far more full than mine, but I think as long as you're not going a lot above that and your res temps stay low, then you're fine..


Well-Known Member
this plant is in soil man :)

and i moved the thermometer from right in between the light and the plant, to on the top layer of the canopy and temps are actually 75 degrees it says

so I am just gonna keep the extra lights in there lol
lol derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Sorry about that.. Just finished smoking!! That's good to hear though!! If it does begin going up though, you could aim a fan at the lights themselves to try and at least move the hot air away.. With any luck, it'll exhaust out of the area!


Well-Known Member
ok guys here's an update she seems to have fully recovered from the defoliation and pistils are emerging at all bud sites :) now here comes the fun part!!

so I flushed her last night because I saw some major signs of nitrogen toxicity and this morning she was perked up again straight towards the lights! I will keep a very close eye for deficiencies now since my runoff PPM was like 500 if so, then I'll start her on her bloom regimen at half strength

check out the bud sites using these techniques I've got nodes all up and down the stems each branch should be one giant cola
