400 watt LED White Widow x Bubba Kush


Well-Known Member
so guys does this look like signs of nitrogen toxicity to you?

dark green droopy leaves?

there's no way it's overwatering this picture was taken 4 days after the last water

PPM was through the roof, so I flushed again. Hopefully I will see some improvement, the excess N was making my flower transition slow


Well-Known Member
flushing did a great job and I'm slowly but surely recovering from the N poisoning

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Boom!! That thing is looking pretty awesome!!!!! This is convincing me more and more that I need to get some LED panels and some other lighting!! How are your temps/RH/pH/ppm holding out so far??


Well-Known Member
temps never get above 80, humidity is 50%, ppm is around 500 after the flush, and I always pH my water to about 6.5. she is drinking more and more everyday! really a fun strain to grow can't wait to see the quality of this bud
I wish I knew more and could help out, but your plant looks like it's coming along pretty well!! All of your stats look good and the plant is still very full and green!! Is it starting to stink a lot?? To me, it looks like your whole neighborhood would be starting to smell it lol
lol Yeah, the way you said it makes more sense, but I will admit, every time I walk into my apartment, the first words outta my mouth are, "DAMN! It stinks like someone just murdered a skunk in here!" And I've still got 4-6 weeks left!!!! I think you're doing just fine, from my extremely limited knowledge, if that means anything to you! How does the plant look today, since it's had a couple days of flushing under its belt now??


Well-Known Member
She looks great! Just have her first bloom nutes today 1/4 strength I'm gonna ease her into it

Also hey does anybody on this site want to buy this LED?

I love it and you can see it clearly works great, I just would like to upgrade to a 700 watt and would not need it any longer


Well-Known Member
just a little update for anyone who is still out there!

I Lollipopped the bottom of the plant getting rid of all the tiny popcorn buds I could see weren't getting much light, and everything is just peachy

(before pruning)

Also I ended up cutting quite a few more leaves and lower growth off than that picture I will get an updated one next time around


Well-Known Member
I got two Mars II model LEDs I've seen some food results out of just one so I figured putting 400 on one plant would be awesome