400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
I would go for more of a controlled drying environment to get the slow dry .. because when you let the soil dry out real good before harvest.. they seem to get more resinous and frosty.. probably as a last ditch effort to protect itself and attract pollen .... :)

thats just what works for me :)


Well-Known Member
I got some arms down at the bottom I could take clones from but the leaves aren't really looking the best.
I'm just gonna get some throat spray and use it on the buds to make bananas after all my other plants are harvested :P
I hope you get something close to what the mom is .. good luck :)

Flip The Script

Active Member
i dont know about all that but you do need to flush before harvesting just to get those nutrients out of the plants system a real thorough flush even if it seems like your overwatering them to death. its necessary for a good smoke.

as far as the drying and curing yes. slow drying and long cures make your weed more potent and taste better. slow drys and medium cures are just as good. basically slow drying is how you want to do under any circumstance. it might be painful but its well worth it. You can smoke well dried buds but what gives it that reall eughhhhhhhhh is that cure... if you cure your plants properly and long enough it will reach its full potential.

As far as harvesting thats up to your personal wants and needs im sure u already know bout the microscope but one thing i will say that harvesting today or tomorrow doesn't make a difference. harvesting this week or next week makes the biggest difference. wait too long you will lose potency and harvest too early you wont get as much resin glands as you should or allow the bud to bulk up and fill with resin. Theres alot of different factors you just got to find what works for you and then cater to the exact plant pheno/strain you have.

You can harvest the top cola first and allow the lower buds to build up for a few more days since that is what is ripen first..

Hope this helped cuzzo.


Well-Known Member
Max potency is reached at cloudy ... never good to harvest when clear trichs are present .. cloudy to amber is preference .. but its common knowledge that clear trichs will cause a paranoid and short head high..

if you make it 60 days .. whats 5 more.. or 8 more .. Let the buds tell you when they are ready not when you want them to be ready and you will always be happy.

I personally never harvest with clear trichs unless somethings wrong or I just fucking hate the genetics and Im gonna make edibles out of it.... you cant even really hash it with clear trichs because then you just get a concentrated paranoid high ..


Well-Known Member
i dont know about all that but you do need to flush before harvesting just to get those nutrients out of the plants system a real thorough flush even if it seems like your overwatering them to death. its necessary for a good smoke.

as far as the drying and curing yes. slow drying and long cures make your weed more potent and taste better. slow drys and medium cures are just as good. basically slow drying is how you want to do under any circumstance. it might be painful but its well worth it. You can smoke well dried buds but what gives it that reall eughhhhhhhhh is that cure... if you cure your plants properly and long enough it will reach its full potential.

As far as harvesting thats up to your personal wants and needs im sure u already know bout the microscope but one thing i will say that harvesting today or tomorrow doesn't make a difference. harvesting this week or next week makes the biggest difference. wait too long you will lose potency and harvest too early you wont get as much resin glands as you should or allow the bud to bulk up and fill with resin. Theres alot of different factors you just got to find what works for you and then cater to the exact plant pheno/strain you have.

You can harvest the top cola first and allow the lower buds to build up for a few more days since that is what is ripen first..

Hope this helped cuzzo.
Not trying to be a dick but you should never tell anyone they NEED to flush because honestly if we're talking about needs then the plant NEEDS those nutrients to stay in the plant in order for the fermentation process to complete properly (breaking down starches and sugars can't be completed if there is nothing in the plant to break them down and unfortunately water alone does not do that task). I stopped telling people not to flush because it's all a personal preference. Some people flush, some don't. Some like flushed buds, some don't. Personally, I'm not flushing since I want my plants to ferment naturally without a struggle. Just sayin...

Sorry for clogging your thread with this shit steeZz, I just couldn't hold back lol...


Well-Known Member
I prefer to taper then flush .. loose to much potency and yield with too much flushing.. and I hate to start flushing then the plant takes longer then expeceted .. a good cure is the answer to everything ... I would imagine that hydro would be an exception.. ive had some awefully chemically tasting hydro buds.. but with soil.. flushing is less important IMO.. but I wouldnt pump her full strenght till the last day either lol


Well-Known Member
I already told you guys my opinion about this, this is why I'm going to most likely be chopping when my soil dries.
I have realized that I have been watering waaaaay too much this whole time so when I wasnt feeding nutes, when I would water with just water I was practically flushing.
the Northern is going to get chopped regardless, the master bubba might take another flush.
the northern also got that huge flush the other day aswell with 10gals, so im sure shes fine.

2 weeks of flushing is a fucking joke.
and it makes me laugh to see that published in a book.
thats just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Yea two weeks of flushing is the dumbest thing I've heard so far from everything I've read. Hydro is definitely an exception though. I have been lowering the strength of their nutes as well. No need to hammer them with 120+ml of nutes per 5 gallons anymore lol

steeZz... I couldn't take you starting to chop without me so I chopped off a big bud from one of my cheese girls just now lol The bud was burnt at the top by my bare hps a little but the bud is looking awesome. Couple days and it will go into a jar to begin curing. Tomorrow I'll most likely start cutting up the rest of my cheese girls. Trimming this one bud took about 15 minutes so I can imagine the rest is going to take me days... Are you trimming by yourself or do you have help?


Have fun guys :D The part you're doing now, is the part I'm looking the most forward to!
I'll be doing a lot of inhaling of the scents while trimming that's for sure!
It's gonna be so awesome! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The smell of the buds while attached to the plant smells a little different than they did after I started trimming. Im guessing that's normal for the most part?


Well-Known Member
wait till you jar it.. gonna smell like shitty lawn clippings for a week .. but then .. o ya but then :) .. it builds back up into a great aroma :)


Well-Known Member
Good to know cuz I was kinda worried lol like wtf? This smelled like the bomb 5 minutes ago now it smells like an actual weed lol


Well-Known Member
LOL .. it will come back and then some if you cure it up nice.. atleast two weeks .. then it only gets better .. just be careful it doesnt mold :)


Active Member
Curing is fun, especially when you start smelling the terpenes again. My babies just started putting out scent like whoa!


Well-Known Member
Hindus in a jar now.
14 grams dry, pity. Thats like half a can of butane and like maybe 4 grams of BHO.
This is the exact reason why I should of killed this bitch months ago.


Well-Known Member
Im guessing that this is a cheap shot at me for telling you not to trash it .... If it helps any .. ill take the free half ounce you got from your worst plant you were gonna throw away.. and you can keep the extra experience and knowledge you gained dealing with adversity and troubles on your first grow.. deal?


Active Member
I know how you feel I got just over 14gs dry off my first grow, ur like wtf!?!?! I should of just bought some but then you try again and im hoping for ounzers this time (these are autos btw) and ive learnt again and now I reckon on my 3rd time ill harvest a double I mean I learnt about super cropping, lst, etc and I look forward to it,

My thoughts are with you but if its a good smoke and you had fun then it was worth it, I liked your forum dude and Im gratefull for you sharing it


Well-Known Member
14 isnt bad man....its better then 13g right? u cant beat the knowledge and experience gained like alotaball said.


Well-Known Member
ITs his first grow .. his worst plant .. and he still got 14 grams.. Take a look at how many first grow never even got to see a bud grow.. or finish ... my offer in the post still stands if your interested.. Ill split the 14 grams with Stevie :) lol