400w MH , perfect for apartment ??


Well-Known Member
how many should I do under it ?? I like them short and stocky .so i was thinking whatever i could shove in a 4x4 area ..

Ive read a few book but im having a brain fart here ..

I heard co2 injection is only good for VEG OR FLOWER ..

is that the case ?? I think its flowering during the light cycle .. correct me if im wrong ..


SO I should be fine with a 400 watt mh (18/6 -> 12/12) in a condo / apartment ??

I have a feeling i will need a carbon filter , but ill spend the cash .

tips , advice ? imput ??

should I do hydro ??
Ive been thinking about a drip system , not too sure yet .. helpp mee out ..

Also , they are going to be "urban poison" seeds from nirvana .

(gave them to a buddy , so i will have clones when the time comes :P )


Well-Known Member
you're startig from seeds so you have to veg therefore you cannot fit many under a single 400, maybe 4-5. a 400w cannot properly flower a 4x4 area could do for a 3x3 max, check lumen output of buld, 5000lum/sq.ft is minimum for flowering. don't bother with co2 for now, get your room dialed have few grows under your belt then think if you want co2. a 400mh is not typical for flowering, HPS or CMH is what you want to flower. i do advise you to go hydro, most fool proof method with great results is flood and drain IMO... hope this helps


Active Member
A 600 watt with ducting to get the hot air out of the grow room is most efficient. I don't see how anyone can grow more than four plants under any one light. My four plants are barely able to be put in a 4x4 (3x3 for 400 watt) area. People can do certain growing techniques to fit more in, but I couldn't possibly do it, letting them grow to full potential. Four is plenty per light without special growing.


Well-Known Member
its under newbie because i feel its a newbie question .
I do have some experience ..
hence the 250+ posts .

as for the seeds thing , they are currently under so they will be totally ready 1000w lol ..
I said I will have clones by the time i need it .

my ballast supports both HPS and MH ..

as for flowering i actually have a 600w HPS chillin . so thats not a issue lol ?

also , your probably referring to a SCROG grow .
which could in fact be a option .

I really just put it up here for ideas .
I like 400ws because its fuck all hydro wise .
dont want to leave a footprint .


Well-Known Member
I like 400ws because its fuck all hydro wise .
dont want to leave a footprint .
i'm all blazed trying to figure what you mean by this??? lmao i'm not sure if it's me so high or you not making sense hahaha


Well-Known Member
Hydro being analogous to electrical consumption. As in "hydro electric bill".
my hydro setup doesn't need much more electric, only extra power i need is a small 30w pump that runs 60mins/day, that's negligible. i think you're referring to high pressure pumps and aero, these things require wattage


Active Member
Sure, ok, but I was a little "happy" and thought I was helping. My intentions were atleast in the right place.


Well-Known Member
Sure, ok, but I was a little "happy" and thought I was helping. My intentions were atleast in the right place.
I didnt say they werent lol .
the other person was telling me to get more experience .
didnt mean to offend you , nor anyone .

it isnt the place to do that stuff .
this forum has a good atmosphere .. I like to keep it that way lol .


Well-Known Member
I use a 400 with wonderful results. like you said, you're gonna be goin from clone so you can do 16 plants under that 400 with no problem (I do it) and if you place any kind of fan towards your bulb, the heat is nominal. I have an open el cheapo reflector that I clipped a desk fan onto & it stays around 77 degrees with my thermometer sittin on top of my reflector. 600s are more efficient, but with considerably more heat. I like 400s.


Well-Known Member
I use a 400 with wonderful results. like you said, you're gonna be goin from clone so you can do 16 plants under that 400 with no problem (I do it) and if you place any kind of fan towards your bulb, the heat is nominal. I have an open el cheapo reflector that I clipped a desk fan onto & it stays around 77 degrees with my thermometer sittin on top of my reflector. 600s are more efficient, but with considerably more heat. I like 400s.

ok perfect !!
see your the type of person i wanna talk to .
do you go straight to flowering ??
and get "bud sticks" ..

whats your yield normally ??


Well-Known Member
I actually tend to let mine veg for too long... I have jungle action going. Ideally you'd wanna flower after two weeks of veg, straight outta the cloner. It's hard for me to nail down an avg yield cuz I'm on a staggered/perpetual kinda deal. I harvest one half of this light's footprint every two weeks with an avg of 4 ozs trimmed & dried, so I guess you could extrapolate that to say a rough avg yeild of 8 ozs under normal circumstances.

I should add that this is with organics. you could prolly get more with a hydro set-up, but i like my flavors with this method.


Well-Known Member
yeah i got 8 oz too with a 400 on my last grow, exactly 225 grams dried trimmed without stems


Well-Known Member
oh sick !!!
thats exactly what i was hoping to hear .
so you do like a mini SOG kinda thing ??
any pics ?? :P

225 is great without leaves and stems , id keep the stems in .
I like getting my bud on a stick lol :P

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I'd say in an apartment, just make sure you have a good placeto put them in the event o an inspection. A tent would break down fast with no trace of growing. A carbonilter is a must, I don't think you'd have problems with using the 600 so you should if you can.


Well-Known Member
I'd say in an apartment, just make sure you have a good placeto put them in the event o an inspection. A tent would break down fast with no trace of growing. A carbonilter is a must, I don't think you'd have problems with using the 600 so you should if you can.
tents are 300 bucks ...
I could get a fan/filter with that .

which is what im thinking ..
Im getting a 2 bedroom .. and ill use the 2nd bed rooms closet . so my guess is there should be NO probable cause to search .

agreed ??

I could use the 600 for flower which def. wouldnt hurt lol .
but its magnetic ballast so it hums , im worried about sound more than anything .


that humm shouldnt be a problem. Even in an apartment. There are alot of other noises to worrt about, just try to keep it as far away from the wall as possible and if it comes down to it put some sound proffing on the wall. I just got my 400w switchable.. Going to try 6 under it, fingers crossed. DWC bagseed... good luck to ya man


Well-Known Member
Co2 is def. good for flowering--lighting is good in my opinion unless your worried about the power bill-- carbon filter is not necessary unless your living in your parents home or you have strangers in your house all the time