46 days of Flower. Input on Harvesting time?


Hey fellow growers!

So this is my 2nd grow and the first one with soil. This is an Auto Amnesia plant that is on day 46 of flowering. As you can tell from the pictures below that the white hairs have completely converted into red hairs. I have checked the Trich's under 60x magnification and have found a 80:20 Cloudy to Amber. This is a mostly Sativa (90% I believe) strain so I am fairly certain that this baby is done. The leaves are steadily turning yellow which is from what I researched and experienced is a sign that she is done.


Anyways, I have been flushing her for the past 7 days and was thinking of harvesting her on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Do you guys believe she is done or should I keep her going for another week? Thanks in advance for the input and conversation.

400 Watt HPS/MH Ballast
4 Cfl Bulbs
Foxfarm Soil
Technaflora Nutrients
2 Gallon Buckets
3x3x6.5 Tent
240 CFM Intake and Outake Fan
14" Oscillating Fan


Well-Known Member
The plant looks unhealthy. IMO the buds dont look as robust as they should. Flushing probably caused premature maturation due to a lack of nutrients when the plant needed them the most.

Autoflowers are crossed with ruderalis so I doubt it is 90% sativa. A sativa would normally take a lot longer to flower. 42 days is a very short flowering period for any strain.

I dont think letting it go much longer will help unless you resume feeding.


Yea I had a pretty bad heat problem before I got my intake fan in the mail. This Girl was a runt anyways which is why i think she matured quicker then the other two strains I have. Thanks for the input MYOB. I will give her a dose of some nutes tomorrow and observe for a week.


Active Member
I dunno, i think it may be too late for her, most of the leaves look cooked, and without them, it can't really do too much.


Well-Known Member
You are better off harvesting her than to let her go on.I think you flushed to soon ,it appears she was trying to get nutes from the leaves for part of the maturation of the buds.


Well everything is experience to build on for the next grow! Thanks for the input guys. My other 2 plants are looking much better than the Amnesia and still have at least a month left in them.


Active Member
Agree with what has been said. Next time don't worry about "flushing" as this does nothing but starve your plants of the essential nutrients needed for proper growth. And don't start thinking that because your leaves are yellow this is a sign of your plants being done OR a good sign at all. This means your leaves are becoming necrotic and dying, most likely to the nutes that your are using. Alot of people think that the leaves becoming yellow ( just like they think you have to flush ) is a good thing ITS NOT. You want your leaves to be nice and green until harvest. This is because the leaves are what produce the bud. Most likely your nutes does not provide enough N. A good source of nutes is a 9-3-6 and 3-9-6 for veg and flower. Curious now, what are the NPK values on the nutes you are using? Hope this helps Good luck


BC bloom is 1-4-7 and BC Boost is 3-0-2. I thought I accounted for the low nitrogen by adding an extra teaspoon of boost per gallon. This plant had some major heat stress for the first 2 weeks of flower as well.