4ft x 8ft x 7ft grow room 400w mh 7 plants <homemade co2>


Active Member
first off these are my girls i hope i have
1 400w mh
2 air pumps
1 exhaust fan
2 circulating fans
2 home made co2 bottles
4ft length x 8ft wide x 7ft high black plastic grow room:lol:
also i have the fans set for 15min on 15 min off it keeps my temps
in between night 18c-28c day?
also using cheap 2 part nutrient.
they have been in 12/12 for 3 days know.

wat do yous guys/girls think any help or critics welcome:leaf:
need help with this question >does any one know how much co2 these bottles put out over a 15 min period??


400w MH over a 32square foot footprint??

Forgive me if I am wrong, but isn't that a bit weak for light intensity? that is like 12.5watts per square foot.

I always thought that 50 watts per square foot was closer to ideal. And I thought that with people using CO2 that even going up to 100 watts was not uncommon.

Also I have read that HPS is far superior than a MH during flowering.

And what is with the black walls? Might be 100 times better if you could find some flat white or mylar walls.

If I am wrong, please somebody correct me.


Active Member
sorry mate does it look like im using all this area of space and the grow room has white walls coming soon?
and im only using 4sqft soo.. correct me but isnt that intense enough??
your both right if you ask me...but anyway what grow medium you using??? is that perlite??? or some kinda white stones...??? and one other thing...does that DIY c02 seem to make a difference??? ive been thinking about doing the same thing on my next grow. my last grow went to shit so im doin more research before going at it again. im also goin water this time instead of soil (debating between hydroponics and aeroponics..any advice or preference???)


Active Member
yeah it is perlite but perlite hold a lil water and thats all i could get in this town..
and yeah the co2 does work a lil bit ive got 2 bottles cause of the size of my tent but i will be getting a co2 bottle for sure alot easier and less messy and it wont stink.. and as for hydro or aeroponics i would go a bubbleponic/dwc with a drip feed for the extra boost at the begining when the roots arnt so big when the roots touch the water you could either use it still or turn it off.. ill be having mine on for 1minute on and 9 min off..


hey man my advice on your next system is aero
ive now done dwc,soil,and aero, and aero is not only the best results its pro's out weigh all other systems it gets better results- more weight and more resinous(kiefy, HUGE trichromes)
the buds get a beautiful look to them like no other system ive done!ive ran the same strain in all three setups and AERO was wayyyyyyyy better it had a better taste than my soil which is ass back words but its just how it was(most likely strain)
the only thing i can say for dwc is that its EASSSSSYY and cheap all you need is the biggest tote you can find (or better yet one that is the right size for your lighting,A 400mh out to cover a 40 gal tote thats about 18Hx16Wx32L roughly off the top of my head or theres a blue 50 or soo gal and thats like 18Hx18Wx46L if you go this route i recommend about 3-6 plants or 10-20 Sea of Green

IF you do go aero look up stinkbuds system and then redesign it to our own needs ALSO stinkbuds got a few flaws in his setup so look up the AEROFLO2 systems and try to copy theres its a much better design

I get more off my systems then stinkbuds does with the same light just different spacing and a wayy lower nuting you see his thread
1lb a month I got 1 and half my first go around and i didnt have my system half full due to lack of clones and patience
imma send pics and make a report one day when my setup is finallized


sorry mate does it look like im using all this area of space and the grow room has white walls coming soon?
Doesn't look like you are using all the space at the moment. Just that the thread title lead me to believe that was going to be the plan, my mistake for been presumptuous.
White walls coming so, sweet, too easy.

and im only using 4sqft soo.. correct me but isnt that intense enough??
that's shit loads of lighting. too easy.


Active Member
thanks for understanding probs just the way i explained it my bad but so does any know how many lights i would fit in my whole grow area i was thinking 2 600w hps or 2 600w mh
before you go saying hps is better i agree but i like the buds that come from a metal halide so wat yous think??


Well, if the infamous formula of 50watts per square foot is anything to go by(your room 4by 8 = 32). I would go with 2 HPS 600 and 1MH 600, that would be sweet.

sweeten the deal with a light mover. I use one and love it.


Active Member
also just another q what temp should the water be my water is always really cold i wanted to take it up to 22celcius wat is the correct temp. im gonna buy a fishtank heater to warm up the water a bit..


Active Member
hi all just thaught i should take some updated pics and here they are with my awsome homemade reflect which is 28x 28 inches and 8 inches high also i have these nutes do they look any good or does any know wat there like or used them before?
daggo - im def gonna be usin some of that DIY co2 on my next grow!! plants are comin along nicely...ima keep stoppin in and checkin up on em :eyesmoke:

kush - thank you very much for that detailied response. ive really been debating on what to use, and if i should invest in one or make it myself. you definetly made my mind up. im gonna go aero and ive looked over probably 100 different DIY aero projects and i combined everything i learned to fit my needs. thnx again an happy smokin :joint: +rep