4th plateau dxm trip?


Well-Known Member
My friend took 16 triple c's last night. First time ever doing it lmao. He had an amazing time, after he was sweating for mad long. Just cant take mad pills on mostly empty stomach. Swallowing the 40 gels wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I misjudged the timing between the two drugs and I didnt start tripping luckily till my friend just got over his Hot Streaks and started feeling amazing. Haha. Good night over all. Hope I didnt get him to want to do it all the time lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah when I do triple c's ive always taken 16..maybe like 18 if someone doesnt want all of theres..But never that extreme..To much of the other AI can kill you. Ive heard of people taking like 40 =X Yikes.


New Member
he came to school and the teacher asked him why he was late and he said. ''oh, i ate about 30 ccc's, and od'd and was in the hospital for 3 days, i almost died.'' and everybody was like... ''damn..'' you need a :hug:.

Sr. Verde

Best bet would to probably extract the DXM

Lemondrops is the easiest but I would try the method that gives you crystals...

Try This

That way you don't feel like absolute SHIT

I also heard some mention of some storebrand stuff that's only active ingredient is DXM


Active Member
My cousin weighs around 150 and he used to do 25 every day for like 3 months... And when they wore off he would go to miejers and steal more and do em again over and over.... Fucked him up pretty bad lol. Most he ever took was 36 from what he remembers. Said he died 3 times lol


Active Member
I dont fuck with that shit anymore. Took me forever to try it again after the first time cuz it was so horrible. Last time i did it i quit drugs the next day because this asshole scared the shit out of me. Plus my girlfriend had a dream i died on triple cs that night, so i took that as a sign haha


Am I getting old.....what the f is a triple C? :P
Oh K the Cloro...whatever cold and cough got it. Apparently i'm getting tarded
I used to do Dxm like that too.
I weighed about 110 pounds... and would take about 20 triple c's.
4th plateau is grand, one of my favourite places to be. I found myself seeing sounds, walls melting, out of body experiences... absolutely nothing like I have experienced before or after.
Gel caps are smarter(no other active ingredient that could severely damage or kill you), but they are pretty large and disgusting to swallow. My dxm days are long over, but I had many good experiences with the drug:].