4x4x6 grow room too cold with the lights off?


Active Member
Ok i just built a 4x4x6 grow room and with the 600 watt hps light and all the fans on from 8pm to 8am it stays about 70 degreese to 72. With the light off it drops too around 52 degreese. What would be my best bet to solve this proplom? Any ideas or oppinions would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Depending on where ya live and the weather at night, maybe you should have the lights on at night and off during the day?


Active Member
yes that is how i have been testing the room with the light turning on at 8 in the evening and turning off at 8 in the morning, but the room still drops too about 48 degreese after a couple hours


Well-Known Member
hmmm. . . sorry miss read. Maybe purchase a small heater? They can just be a lot on the electric bill...


Active Member
the temps around here have been ranging around 38 degreese low to 57 degreese high between 8 in the morning and 8 at night which is when i would have the lights off

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Insulation? Rigid foam works well.
I had to also put a small space heater for the coldest months - make sure to get one with an adjustable thermostat so you can set it around its lowest setting, keeping your space just warm enough...


Well-Known Member
are u bringing in cold air from outside ? maybe turn your fan off at night if this is the case. I grow in the same space as you and i use a heater as well.



the only this will do is slow growth by alot.
i myself have grown many times in this situation,
just my luck almost every time it was a female.

just watch water levels

with this in mind watering is a bit more of a pain since the plants dont use as much
but the plus side is i have read in a few mags that low temps like this can induce females.

from a follow cold weather grower, good luck.
also dont be afraid to let the soil dry out well, this is a breeding ground for powdery mildew.
thats what happen to me last yr


in a 5x5x8 i use a small heater, I think it was the smallest walmart had. most have thermostats in them but no temp display. so if you watch the temps in the room, you can adjust the heater and get the temp just right.