5 gallon trouble?

so my babies are in there 2nds week of veg so far, and im noticing the roots are coming all the way down to the drainage holes in the 5 gallon pots, not like bursting through i can just see them, is this bad?! i dont want them to rootbounds or anything like that!


Well-Known Member
Plant 13-22 gallon containers if plants are 12" or higher. Figure it out - if you see root tips now in a week you will see many more.
the plants are only like a foot tall!!! they have been in the five gallons for only a week and a half, just transplanted from rockwool is this seriously possible?


Well-Known Member
the plants are only like a foot tall!!! they have been in the five gallons for only a week and a half, just transplanted from rockwool is this seriously possible?
Yes it is some strains develop massive root structures in a short amount of time. Thas why if someone grows a particular strain knowing this they either line their container with oh heck forgot the name to control root growth. Or what some do like I do from time to time place one pot on top of another controls root mass growth.


Well-Known Member
jesus christ. threads like this are why so many people fuck up their grows.

there is nothing wrong with roots showing out of the bottom of the pot. they will auto prune themselves. you DO NOT want to transplant yet. your plants will suffer drastically if you do. plants will throw down tap roots that will grow quickly but they are searching for the limits of their root space. these are the roots you are seeing in the drainage holes. your plant does not have a root system yet; just a few roots shooting to the bottom. at 1' tall and 2nd week of veg you should not even be in a 5 gallon pot but for now it's fines. using too large of a pot leads to saturated roots as your plant can't drink the water held in the pot fast enough. this leads to root rot and other issues like stunted growth. a 1' plant in my opinion is usually in a 1 gallon or 3 gallon pot. i flower very high yielding plants in 5 gallon pots and even then i only put them in 5 gallon pots a week before flower. DO NOT transplant your plants. you can veg them in that pot for another 3-4 weeks and then very easily flower them in the same pot. good luck.


Well-Known Member
I mean is this just one root giving you issues push that bad boy back in and redirect him
on another path back in the pot on the other hand if you pop the pot off and see it's
actually root bound you could go to a 7 gallon pot but I doubt it's is actually root bound
You don't wanna go to the 7 gallon pots a lot more nutes dirt money~