5 teens Charged with setting teen on fire



my dude,thats they way we roll in these here united states....pay up nigga or you gonna roast like a pork shoulder

it could have been worse. he coulda got beat to death by 2x4z by a mob.


ive done worse as a kid. he had it comming though. tryna steal there bikes. bet he wont try that again lol


Active Member
You guys are so bad! I just think those were some fucked up teenagers.
you right,but look at it like this...it dont matter if you walking wit god,if you dont pay that money you owing then people are gonna get at you

and chi-town,i know how it is,im from brooklyn and it gets caliente around here
so i recognize the chi,different toilets same shit


Active Member
i done worse than them too,im tecnically supposed to be in the box right now...but respect'll make a nigga think twice about comin to court and testifyin...true story


Well-Known Member
The fact that I'm about to redose on dxm 420 mg hopefully, is going to make this thread a lot crazier. I took about 600mg an hour and a half ago and it just hit me hard


Well-Known Member
You're a heartless piece of shit, your calling some 15 year old a "fucking retard" because he was lit on fire and didn't jump in the pool right away. Let's do a little test, I'll lite your entire body on fire and see how long you can keep your eye lids open.............

i wish this guy would come back and read the whole thread again and see what he has to say now


fuck dxm. do real drugs. drop a 10 strip of acid!!!!!!!!!!!!! then call me in the mourning


Well-Known Member
fuck dxm. do real drugs. drop a 10 strip of acid!!!!!!!!!!!!! then call me in the mourning

hahah yeah i havnt done that shit since i was like 16 years old oh shit i just realized its been a long ass time and i remember only dong like 480mg or 16 pills and being gone and this dude said hes off of a thousand mg


New Member
Aw, come on guyz ... its not their fault. They are obviously from a broken home, underprivedged and not "Winners in The Lottery of Life." Let's give them a government bailout and send them to a community organizer to be placed into rehab, then send them on their way.


Active Member
Aw, come on guyz ... its not their fault. They are obviously from a broken home, underprivedged and not "Winners in The Lottery of Life." Let's give them a government bailout and send them to a community organizer to be placed into rehab, then send them on their way.
hmmm,its that sarcasm?
my spidey sense is tingling,no,wait,thats just my cock sorrybongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Aw, come on guyz ... its not their fault. They are obviously from a broken home, underprivedged and not "Winners in The Lottery of Life." Let's give them a government bailout and send them to a community organizer to be placed into rehab, then send them on their way.

if we just all pitch in 10$