5 wks flower no pistils on two white rhino out of 5 pics!


Hey guys

I have 5 Greenhouse white rhinos and 2 of them are bigger than the other 3 by about 50cm but dont have any white pisitls or as many trichomes.

The 3 that are smaller and have pisitils and covered in trichomes also smell amazing!

please let me know if i am overeacting or I have a problem.

Thank you



Active Member
I can see pistils in all three pics and you have them under an HPS... They look fire, keep up the good work :leaf:


Active Member
They looks fine to me too, if they are clones then it is kinda strange to have such big difference in flowering but if they are from seed then no 2 seedlings grow up the same.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I dont see any problems, my girls are 4days shy of 5wks and most of them arent looking as good as yours. When going from seed your always bound to get some different results from plant to plant, so I wouldnt be stressing about it. Looks good, take care, peace


Well-Known Member
those look bomb, good job. If you take pictures when the lights are off and your cam flash is on, you will be able to see the tri's a lot better. You are going to get some great smoke :bigjoint:
Those ladys do look tasty.. I would like to know what nutes you used on these ladys.. Also seems to have high leaf to flower ratio.. What ever!!! Anyway keep up the good work man..or girl....


lol thank you very much guys!

I think i should have explained better.

In the bigger plant the pisitls arnt as big? As in the hairs are longer in the shorter ones.

But I think you guys have explained, that no 2 seeds are the same.

One other question I need to know is the big ones have taken 4.4 ec! on the last 3 consecutive feeds and still show signs of yellowing leaves!!!

Wtf! are they shitting it out somewhere I cant see?

Im afraid to give it anymore but its taking it so need to know if its safe?

Ive been using Canna terra flores, top max, house and garden root stimulator for what appears to be a lack of nitrogen and also mollases for the last 2 feeds.

I am also under 3 600w hps with a 150mm carbon filter with temps around 20 - 26 Celsius in 15 L pots.

To be honest I am worried my plants arnt doing as well as they could do bearing in mind all the light im giving. I think the secret is in pot size though, the bigger the pot the bigger the roots the bigger the yield.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Personally I dont mind the yellowing in the last weeks of flowering, I know it doesnt always please the eye but its totally natural and in my experience doesnt effect the growth of your buds. Honestly your plants look great to me, ec sounds good although Im more familiar with ppm's, maybe you can get some better answers from someone with more knowledge/experience but I wouldnt worry too much, if at all. Wish you the best man, take care, peace


Well-Known Member
Just for information purposes I like to use bigger pots, 5 or 7gallon, my conversions arent good so dont know about the size in liters but bigger is always better when it comes to growth.


Thanks for the reply, I think ppm im at 3600,

The thing is the leaves have been yellowing from about week 2 of flower and im only in week 5, I reckon ive got another 5 weeks at least left on the big ones.

7gal is about 27L I think. I think next time Im gna go for at least 100 L pots and have maybe just 3, I must say that white rhino and super lemon haze are my fav after growing about 6 dif types