I had a guy I know give me a KC Mindbender clone. The fu*king thing went hermi and slightly pollinated my grow room. I also had a SBD bagseed that was sprayed 2x with DM Reverse go hermi as well. I chopped both of them down! So needless to say, I have red hairs on my buds here and there and I know that they are forming a seed here and there. PIIISSED!!!
I have about 8 bagseed plants in my garden that I took the risk on because Im such a curious grower and love to see what comes out of crosses I think would be good. Even if it was from a full blown hermi contamination.LOL. You know what they say,....Curiousity killed the cat. Well in this case....Curiousity killed the sensimillia. Its not too too bad. Same as last grow when a Centennial Cut Blueberry female went hermi and blew open a full ballsack on my ladies. I think I caught these in time so as not to cause serious damage but I'll still loose 20% of my harvest wieght due to energy growing seeds instead of bud. BLAH-HUMBUGG!
I was watching them carfully for that but they look just like the little leaves when they are first growing out.Little fuc*ers are so hard to see until its almost too late.
Im gonna have to keep a keen eye on the other bagseed plants. Im upset the dude gave me a hermi female!! Fuc*ing Shiester motherfuc*er!! He also gave me a S.A.G.E so I'll have to watch that carefully as well. WTF? Other than that the buds are looking good. This next two weeks will show me what pheno's to keep that are in the veg room, so Ive been sniffing them at lights on when they smell the strongest, and looking for the ones with the best qualities for top shelf medicine.