517 area A good Distribution Center


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like I may need to go buy some B4 this harvest is ready. I thought I might try a Distribution place, it's been over a year since I've had to buy any and I would have to go all the way to Southwest D for anything good.I live in the 517 area code now, I've been reading about the places in Ann Arbor and was looking for the best place to go. If anyone has a good place a 1st timer can go without having to pay alot for a membership ( because I probable won't need to go back;)...due to my huge harvest coming..lol ) please let me know.
Thanks for any info
Maybe I mean Coffee shopp, not Ditribution Center. Fuckin place to buy pot...thats what I'm lookin 4.


Well-Known Member
Really? 40 replies and no one has a good pot shop to shop at?? huh...strange
Dispensary is the right word??