5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition


Well-Known Member
Ok, all four beans cracked, so I'm good to go. :)

Here's my initial post, with details on my grow.

I'm starting with 4 entrants; 3 are of the homebrew cross I made of Atomic Love X Hash Plant, and the last 1 is Hash Plant.
For the sake of the comp, I'm re-naming them, winner winner chicken dinner 1-4 (4 is the HP, 1,2,3 are the others).
IMG_1844.JPG IMG_1843.JPG

For lighting, I've got them riding shotgun between my XGS190 and 2 x 46W T5HO. There's a little run-off from the Apollo8 on the other side of the tent, but its quite minimal, as its on the other side of a 4x4 tent.

For medium, I'm trying out an Organic Hydroponic hybrid system I built recently, which has a side ebb & flow tray for the party cups, that partially floods the cups every 4 hours with plain H2O. I'll be hand feeding the upper soil area with base nutes, molasses, ca/mg, as needed. I've mixed some "pro-mix" soil from local greenhouse, amended with EWC, bone meal, coco, perlite, and a teeny bit of guano, as my mix.

Since this is the first time I've run this system, I've taken some pictures of the process of preparing the party cups for the system.

I ferkin hope not!!! :cuss:

First, I layered the bottom of the cups with black garden bed fabric, despite its ominous name.
IMG_1838.JPG IMG_1839.JPG
Next I filled the cups about 1/3 way up with hydroton. The water line on the flood tray will go to the top of the hydroton when it floods the tray.
After that, I put down a bed of coco coir. This acts as a medium separator between the lower hydroponic and upper organic areas, and also wicks H2O upwards towards the soil.
Last, fill to the top with amended soil mix, pop bean a few cm down, mist with H2O and wait for heads to pop up. :)

Happy growing, lads and lassies.
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Well-Known Member
My beans popped out if soil on the 3rd so I'm two weeks in. I'm waiting until the last day of august to post pics since i want to pick the nicest ones.


Well-Known Member
Yea i read all of them.. i have pictures and documentation from the beginning i always start my seeds in a 16 Oz cup so what does it matter if i post the first weeks all at once.


Well-Known Member
As per the rules you can only submit 5 seeds then pick your best plant out of that when they show sex. I really do not understand what the big deal is... it's growing in a 16 Oz cup and won't be transferred to a bigger one. It was started and remains on 12/12 those are the two most important rules.


Well-Known Member
I just find it funny how if i did start 100 seeds like anyone would be able to tell the difference if it was seed 1,2,3,4,5 then seed 4 did and i swapped it for seed 8... i started seeds took 5 and have been documenting those 5... i start 20+ seeds every fee weeks so your going to hold that against me. It's not a clone not in a 1 gallon pot it's 5 seeds in a 16 Oz cup in 12/12