5th week of flower - 1 plant DWC 250w hps


Active Member
Hi there, this is my second grow, first being a single plant growing in coco under a 150w hps. Now i am growing the same strain; some blueberry strain, under a 250w hps and a 5gal/20litre DWC bucket. Currently in the 5th week of flower, she seems to be growing well. Have had a few complications with keeping a steady temp as the tents down in basement, (dr60 that is) but after purchasing a small oil radiator the temps are a good 20/25 C lights off and 30/35 on. Due to the low temps in the basement i only have the exhaust fan on when the lights come on, otherwise temps do drop below 20, once i checked it was 15. The problem with having the fan off is the high humidity in the tent, a decent amount of condensation forms on the sides of the tent, which i twice daily go down and wipe off.
What I'm thinking is ill have to move the tent somewhere warmer (my room) for when it comes to drying the buds as the high humidity it probably going to cause bud rot, is this correct?
Anyway here's a few pics I've taken just now, she's getting some stank behind here now.
Hopefully in the following weeks she puffs up.

Thanks for the look, take it easy


Active Member
if you have a fan blowing air into the tent leave it running during lights off cause my tent as well gets high humidity with lights off and no air going in. 35 is much to hot, i believe thats 95f.. you dont want to go above 82 really but ive still had good results at 84 when i couldnt get the heat to drop.
when it comes to your fan blowing air in and another pulling air out, whats your humidity stay at then? if its not more then 55 or less than 35 youll be able to dry in your tent and should be able to control the environment a little better that way.
i had to dry my girls in a box a certain way because other strains hadnt finished in my tent, was a real pain in the ass.. gonna happen this run again too but ive planned for that this time.

15 during lights off isnt great but not the worst thing for it either, especially as some strains can handle the cold more so then others. if you can keep the temps at 18-21 during lights off you can expect some real nice colour in your ladies later on ;)


Active Member
Cheers for feedback buster, ill record the humidity and get back to you. I know when I've checked sometimes the humidity has been as high as 70 but then again that's without the exhaust fan on. The temp of 35 with lights on is just as i get to the tent and the lights have just turned on but the fan hasn't, as the fan is turned on the temp soon drops to 30. I might get another timer to have the heater only coming on at certain times to lower the overall temp with lights on.
Thanks again pal


Active Member
my humidity goes to 70 as well without the fan so im thinking leaving your fan on with lights off should work as well for you as it did myself :)
if the temps aren't consistent at 35 and drop soon after it shouldn't be an issue. 30 is still a tad high and if its possible to drop it a few degrees i would think that should help quite a bit but honestly, these girls grow all over the world and temps as well as humidity vary such a large amount that i truly believe optimal temps for one strain will not be the same as the next.. i mean temps and humidity are quite different in Afghanistan then they are in Canada, yet both countries have some incredible smoke that grow outdoors. ive even heard that Alaskan thunder fuck is good smoke and im not sure if it grows wild there but if it does it shows that one extreme to the next is doable for different strains.. hell look at how some things on this planet live in acid yet that same acid kills so many other things. same even goes for people, its really about adaptation and where these things originate from. i think with hybrids its changed a bit but there's always different phenotypes.. sorry, im rambling now lol.. been reading a lot of science stuff lately :p

as for the help, its a pleasure my friend! ive received quite a bit of great help on this site and love to return the favour as much as i can :)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
You should be at around 25 C with the lights on, your tent is too hot.

Turn off your heater when the lights are on (buy a couple of timers).

Put your exhaust fan on a timer to take out the moist air around 10-15 mins per hour and note the difference.

Why is all this important?

Because too hot temperatures can lower the THC levels in your buds and I don't think you want that.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Also it's good to have a temperature drop in your tent to keep the environment healthy, deter bugs and parasites. So it would be a good idea to have your heater cut out an hour or two before the lights come on each day.


Active Member
Cheers again for all feedback,very much appreciated. Buster, what you say is all very true and rather interesting, bud growing in Alaska is crazy. Ive got it running now with fan on 24/7 and heater only popping on for the duration of lights off. Temp seem to be a steady 20C lights off an 25C lights on. Only another fortnight and shell get chopped up, yum yum.

Take it easy now


Active Member
Ill post up a few more pics in the following weeks, just checked her this morning the buds are starting to meet each other on the kolas and fatten up.